
January 9, 2024

pacman::p_load(tikzDevice, knitr) 


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
            minimum size=1cm,
        input neuron/.style={
        output neuron/.style={
        hidden neuron/.style={

    \node[input neuron] (input-1) at (0, 0) {Stimulus dimension node 1};
    \node[input neuron] (input-2) [below=of input-1] {Stimulus dimension node 2};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-1) [right=of input-1] {Exemplar node 1};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-2) [below=of hidden-1] {Exemplar node 2};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-3) [below=of hidden-2] {Exemplar node 3};
    \node[output neuron] (output-1) [right=of hidden-2] {Category node 1};
    \node[output neuron] (output-2) [right=of hidden-3] {Category node 2};

    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-1);
    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-2);
    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-3);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-1);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-2);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-3);
    \draw[->] (hidden-1) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-1);
    \draw[->] (hidden-2) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-1);
    \draw[->] (hidden-3) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-2);


Alcove 2

```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true


        minimum size=1cm,
    input neuron/.style={
    output neuron/.style={
    hidden neuron/.style={

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm]
    \node[input neuron] (input-1) at (0, 0) {Stimulus dimension node 1};
    \node[input neuron] (input-2) [below=of input-1] {Stimulus dimension node 2};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-1) [right=of input-1] {Exemplar node 1};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-2) [below=of hidden-1] {Exemplar node 2};
    \node[hidden neuron] (hidden-3) [below=of hidden-2] {Exemplar node 3};
    \node[output neuron] (output-1) [right=of hidden-2] {Category node 1};
    \node[output neuron] (output-2) [right=of hidden-3] {Category node 2};

    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-1);
    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-2);
    \draw[->] (input-1) -- (hidden-3);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-1);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-2);
    \draw[->] (input-2) -- (hidden-3);
    \draw[->] (hidden-1) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-1);
    \draw[->] (hidden-2) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-1);
    \draw[->] (hidden-3) -- node[midway, above, sloped]{Learned association weights} (output-2);


Here is a TikZ picture

```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
    declare function={
        sig = 0.1;
        mu = 0;
        g(\x) = 1/(sig*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-1/2 * ((\x-mu)/sig)^2);

    shorten >=1pt,
    node distance=2.5cm,
    every pin edge/.style={<-,shorten <=1pt},
        circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt,
        path picture={
            \draw[red,thick,-] plot[domain=-0.3:0.3,samples=11,smooth] ({\x},{0.05*g(\x)});
    input neuron/.style={neuron, fill=green!50},
    output neuron/.style={neuron, fill=red!50},
    hidden neuron/.style={neuron, fill=blue!50},
    annot/.style={text width=4em, text centered},

    % Draw the input layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,...,4}
    % This is the same as writing \foreach \name / \y in {1/1,2/2,3/3,4/4}
        \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \y] (I-\name) at (0,-\y) {};
    % Draw the hidden layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,...,5}
            node[hidden neuron] (H-\name) at (2.5cm,-\y cm) {};
    % Draw the output layer node
    \node[output neuron,pin={[pin edge={->}]right:Output}, right of=H-3] (O) {};
    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the
    % hidden layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,...,4}
        \foreach \dest in {1,...,5}
            \path (I-\source) edge (H-\dest);
    % Connect every node in the hidden layer with the output layer
    \foreach \source in {1,...,5}
        \path (H-\source) edge (O);
    % Annotate the layers
    \node[annot,above of=H-1, node distance=1cm] (hl) {Hidden layer};
    \node[annot,above of=I-1, node distance=1cm] {Input layer};
    \node[annot,above of=O] {Output layer};



```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true


      inner sep=2pt,
      join = by -latex
      inner sep=2pt,
      join = by -latex
    start chain=2,node distance=13mm
    \node[on chain=2] 
      (x2) {$x_2$};
    \node[on chain=2,join=by o-latex] 
    \node[on chain=2,init] (sigma) 
    \node[on chain=2,squa,label=above:{\parbox{2cm}{\centering Activate \\ function}}]   
    \node[on chain=2,label=above:Output,join=by -latex] 
    \begin{scope}[start chain=1]
    \node[on chain=1] at (0,1.5cm) 
      (x1) {$x_1$};
    \node[on chain=1,join=by o-latex] 
      (w1) {$w_1$};
    \begin{scope}[start chain=3]
    \node[on chain=3] at (0,-1.5cm) 
      (x3) {$x_3$};
    \node[on chain=3,label=below:Weights,join=by o-latex] 
      (w3) {$w_3$};
    \node[label=above:\parbox{2cm}{\centering Bias \\ $b$}] at (sigma|-w1) (b) {};
    \draw[-latex] (w1) -- (sigma);
    \draw[-latex] (w3) -- (sigma);
    \draw[o-latex] (b) -- (sigma);
    \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror}] (x1.north west) -- node[left=10pt] {Inputs} (x3.south west);


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true


\tikzset{basic/.style={draw,fill=blue!20,text width=1em,text badly centered}}

    \node[functions] (center) {};
    \node[below of=center,font=\scriptsize,text width=4em] {Activation function};
    \draw[thick] (0.5em,0.5em) -- (0,0.5em) -- (0,-0.5em) -- (-0.5em,-0.5em);
    \draw (0em,0.75em) -- (0em,-0.75em);
    \draw (0.75em,0em) -- (-0.75em,0em);
    \node[right of=center] (right) {};
        \path[draw,->] (center) -- (right);
    \node[functions,left=3em of center] (left) {$\sum$};
        \path[draw,->] (left) -- (center);
    \node[weights,left=3em of left] (2) {$w_2$} -- (2) node[input,left of=2] (l2) {$x_2$};
        \path[draw,->] (l2) -- (2);
        \path[draw,->] (2) -- (left);
    \node[below of=2] (dots) {$\vdots$} -- (dots) node[left of=dots] (ldots) {$\vdots$};
    \node[weights,below of=dots] (n) {$w_n$} -- (n) node[input,left of=n] (ln) {$x_n$};
        \path[draw,->] (ln) -- (n);
        \path[draw,->] (n) -- (left);
    \node[weights,above of=2] (1) {$w_1$} -- (1) node[input,left of=1] (l1) {$x_1$};
        \path[draw,->] (l1) -- (1);
        \path[draw,->] (1) -- (left);
    \node[weights,above of=1] (0) {$w_0$} -- (0) node[input,left of=0] (l0) {$1$};
        \path[draw,->] (l0) -- (0);
        \path[draw,->] (0) -- (left);
    \node[below of=ln,font=\scriptsize] {inputs};
    \node[below of=n,font=\scriptsize] {weights};


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true

% the next macro is useful to create a table
           \node  [rectangle split, 
                   rectangle split parts=3, 
                   inner sep=.5em,
                   rectangle split horizontal] (Tab)
                           {\hbox to 4ex{#1}
           \nodepart{two}  {\hbox to 8ex{\hfill #2\$}}  
           \nodepart{three}{\hbox to 3ex{#3}}}; 


    %every node/.style={transform shape},% now is not necessary but good for a poster
    % every group of nodes have a style except for main, the style is named by a letter
    main/.style={draw,fill=yellow,inner sep=.5em},
    R/.style={draw,fill=purple!40!blue!30,inner sep=.5em},
    M/.style={draw,fill=green!80!yellow,inner sep=.5em},

  % main node the reference Shuffle 
  \node[main] (shuffle) {Group};
  %group R reducer
  \node[R] at ($(shuffle)+(8,1)$)    (R1+) {Reduce};
  \node[R] at ($(shuffle)+(8, 0)$)   (R0)  {Reduce};
  \node[R] at ($(shuffle)+(8,-1)$)   (R1-) {Reduce};
  % group M Mapper
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,+2.5)$)   (M3+)  {Map};
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,+ 1.5)$)  (M2+)  {Map};
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,+ .5)$)   (M1+)  {Map};
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,- .5)$)   (M1-)  {Map};
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,- 1.5)$)  (M2-)  {Map};
  \node[M] at ($(shuffle)+(-6,-2.5)$)   (M3-)  {Map};
  % group S Start the first nodes
  \node[S] at ($(M3+)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S3+) {\Big($k_1$,\tabins{4711}{59.90}{NY}\Big)};
  \node[S] at ($(M2+)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S2+) {\Big($k_2$,\tabins{4713}{142.99}{CA}\Big)};
  \node[S] at ($(M1+)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S1+) {\Big($k_3$,\tabins{4714}{72.00}{NY}\Big)}; 
  \node[S] at ($(M1-)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S1-) {\Big($k_4$,\tabins{4715}{108.75}{NY}\Big)}; 
  \node[S] at ($(M2-)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S2-) {\Big($k_5$,\tabins{4718}{19.89}{WA}\Big)};  
  \node[S] at ($(M3-)+(-1.5,0)$)  (S3-) {\Big($k_6$,\tabins{4719}{36.60}{CA}\Big)};  
  % group V  why not
  \node[V] at ($(M3+)+(1.5,0)$)  (V3+) {\Big(NY,59.90\$\Big)};
  \node[V] at ($(M2+)+(1.5,0)$)  (V2+) {\Big(CA,142.99\$\Big)};
  \node[V] at ($(M1+)+(1.5,0)$)  (V1+) {\Big(NY,72.00\$\Big)}; 
  \node[V] at ($(M1-)+(1.5,0)$)  (V1-) {\Big(NY,108.75\$\Big)}; 
  \node[V] at ($(M2-)+(1.5,0)$)  (V2-) {\Big(WA,19.89\$\Big)};  
  \node[V] at ($(M3-)+(1.5,0)$)  (V3-) {\Big(CA,36.60\$\Big)};   

  \node[P] at ($(R1+)+(-4,0)$) (P1+) {\Big(CA,\big[142.99\$,36.60\$\big]\Big)};
  \node[P] at ($(R0) +(-4,0)$) (P0)  {\Big(NY,\big[59.90\$,72.00\$,108.75\big]\Big)};
  \node[P] at ($(R1-)+(-4,0)$) (P1-) {\Big(WA,\big[19.89\$\big]\Big)}; 

  \node[F] (F1+) at ($(R1+)+(1.5,0)$) {(CA,89.80\$)};
  \node[F] (F0)  at ($(R0) +(1.5,0)$) {(NY,80.22\$)}; 
  \node[F] (F1-) at ($(R1-)+(1.5,0)$) {(WA,72.00\$)}; 

  % wrappers
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
      \node[fill=lightgray!50,inner sep = 4mm,fit=(shuffle),label=above:Shuffle] {}; 
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
      \node[fill=lightgray!50,inner sep = 4mm,fit=(R1+)(R1-),label=above:Reducer] {}; 
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
      \node[fill=lightgray!50,inner sep = 4mm,fit=(M3+)(M3-),label=above:Mapper] {}; 


  \foreach \indice in {3+,2+,1+,1-,2-,3-} \draw[->] (S\indice.east) -- (M\indice.west); 
  \foreach \indice in {3+,2+,1+,1-,2-,3-} \draw[->] (M\indice.east) -- (V\indice.west);
  \foreach \indice in {3+,2+,1+,1-,2-,3-} \draw[->] (V\indice.east) to [out=0,in=180] (shuffle.west); 
  \foreach \indice in {1+,0,1-} \draw[->] (shuffle.east) to [out=0,in=180] (P\indice.west);  
  \foreach \indice in {1+,0,1-} \draw[->] (P\indice.east) -- (R\indice.west);
  \foreach \indice in {1+,0,1-} \draw[->] (R\indice.east) -- (F\indice.west);   


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true

    shorten >=1pt,->,
    node distance=\layersep,
    every pin edge/.style={<-,shorten <=1pt},
    neuron/.style={circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt},
    input neuron/.style={neuron, fill=green!50,},
    output neuron/.style={neuron, fill=red!50},
    hidden neuron/.style={neuron, fill=blue!50},
    annot/.style={text width=4em, text centered},
    bias/.style={neuron, fill=yellow!50,minimum size=4em},%<-- added %%%

  % Draw the input layer nodes
  \foreach \name / \y in {1,...,3}
    \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \#\y] (I-\name) at (0,-\y-2.5) {};  

  % set number of hidden layers

  % Draw the hidden layer nodes
  \foreach \N in {0,...,\Nhidden} {
      \foreach \y in {0,...,5} { % <-- added 0 instead of 1 %%%%%
      \ifnum \y=4
      \ifnum \N>0 %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        \node at (\N*\layersep,-\y*\nodeinlayersep) {$\vdots$};  % add dots
        \else\fi %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \ifnum \y=0 %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \ifnum \N<3 %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            \node[bias] (H\N-\y) at (\N*\layersep,-\y*\nodeinlayersep ) {Bias}; %<-- added
            \else\fi %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \else %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            \ifnum \N>0 %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            % print function
            \node[hidden neuron] (H\N-\y) at (\N*\layersep,-\y*\nodeinlayersep ) {$\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$}; %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%
                \else\fi %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%
          \fi %<-- added %%%%%%%
      \ifnum \N>0 %<-- added %%%%%%
      % print hidden layer labels at the top
    \node[annot,above of=H\N-1, node distance=1cm,yshift=2cm] (hl\N) {Hidden layer \N}; % <- added yshift=2cm %%%%%%%%%%%%
    \else\fi %<-- added %%%%%

  % Draw the output layer node and label
  \node[output neuron,pin={[pin edge={->}]right:Output}, right of=H\Nhidden-3] (O) {}; 
  % Connect bias every node in the input layer with every node in the
  % hidden layer.
  \foreach \source in {1,...,3}
      \foreach \dest in {1,...,3,5} {
        % \path[yellow] (H-0) edge (H1-\dest);
        \path[dashed,orange] (H0-0) edge (H1-\dest); %<-- added %%%%%
          \path[green!50] (I-\source) edge (H1-\dest);  % change to green, yellow gets blended

  % connect all hidden stuff
  \foreach [remember=\N as \lastN (initially 1)] \N in {2,...,\Nhidden}
      \foreach \source in {0,...,3,5} 
          \foreach \dest in {1,...,3,5}{
              \ifnum \source=0 %<-- added %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \path[dashed,red](H\lastN-\source) edge (H\N-\dest);%<-- added 
            \else %<-- added %%%
            \path[blue!50] (H\lastN-\source) edge (H\N-\dest);%<-- added 
            \fi %<-- added %%%
            }; %<-- added %%%%

  % Connect every node in the hidden layer with the output layer
  \foreach \source in {1,...,3,5}
    \path[green!50] (H\Nhidden-\source) edge (O);
    \path[dashed,red] (H2-0) edge (O); %<-- added %%%%

% Annotate the input and output layers
  \node[annot,left of=hl1] {Input layer};
  \node[annot,right of=hl\Nhidden] {Output layer};  


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true


\tikzstyle{inputNode}=[draw,circle,minimum size=10pt,inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{stateTransition}=[-stealth, thick]

    \node[draw,circle,minimum size=25pt,inner sep=0pt] (x) at (0,0) {$\Sigma$ $\sigma$};

    \node[inputNode] (x0) at (-2, 1.5) {$\tiny +1$};
    \node[inputNode] (x1) at (-2, 0.75) {$\tiny x_1$};
    \node[inputNode] (x2) at (-2, 0) {$\tiny x_2$};
    \node[inputNode] (x3) at (-2, -0.75) {$\tiny x_3$};
    \node[inputNode] (xn) at (-2, -1.75) {$\tiny x_n$};

    \draw[stateTransition] (x0) to[out=0,in=120] node [midway, sloped, above] {$w_0$} (x);
    \draw[stateTransition] (x1) to[out=0,in=150] node [midway, sloped, above] {$w_1$} (x);
    \draw[stateTransition] (x2) to[out=0,in=180] node [midway, sloped, above] {$w_2$} (x);
    \draw[stateTransition] (x3) to[out=0,in=210] node [midway, sloped, above] {$w_3$} (x);
    \draw[stateTransition] (xn) to[out=0,in=240] node [midway, sloped, above] {$w_n$} (x);
    \draw[stateTransition] (x) -- (4,0) node [midway,above] {$\sigma\left(w_0 + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{w_ix_i}\right)$};
    \draw[dashed] (0,-0.43) -- (0,0.43);
    \node (dots) at (-2, -1.15) {$\vdots$};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (i1) at (6, 0.75) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (i2) at (6, 0) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (i3) at (6, -0.75) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (h1) at (8, 1.5) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (h2) at (8, 0.75) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (h3) at (8, 0) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (h4) at (8, -0.75) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (h5) at (8, -1.5) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (o1) at (10, 0.75) {};
    \node[inputNode, thick] (o2) at (10, -0.75) {};
    \draw[stateTransition] (5, 0.75) -- node[above] {$I_1$} (i1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (5, 0) -- node[above] {$I_2$} (i2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (5, -0.75) -- node[above] {$I_3$} (i3);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i1) -- (h1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i1) -- (h2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i1) -- (h3);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i1) -- (h4);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i1) -- (h5);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i2) -- (h1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i2) -- (h2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i2) -- (h3);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i2) -- (h4);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i2) -- (h5);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i3) -- (h1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i3) -- (h2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i3) -- (h3);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i3) -- (h4);
    \draw[stateTransition] (i3) -- (h5);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h1) -- (o1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h1) -- (o2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h2) -- (o1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h2) -- (o2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h3) -- (o1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h3) -- (o2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h4) -- (o1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h4) -- (o2);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h5) -- (o1);
    \draw[stateTransition] (h5) -- (o2);
    \node[above=of i1, align=center] (l1) {Input \\ layer};
    \node[right=2.3em of l1, align=center] (l2) {Hidden \\ layer};
    \node[right=2.3em of l2, align=center] (l3) {Output \\ layer};
    \draw[stateTransition] (o1) -- node[above] {$O_1$} (11, 0.75);
    \draw[stateTransition] (o2) -- node[above] {$O_2$} (11, -0.75);
    \path[dashed, double, ultra thick, gray] (x.north) edge[bend left=0] (h5.north);
    \path[dashed, double, ultra thick, gray] (x.south) edge[bend right=0] (h5.south);


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false



   % common options for blocks:
   block/.style = {draw, fill=blue!30, align=center, anchor=west,
               minimum height=0.65cm, inner sep=0},
   % common options for the circles:
   ball/.style = {circle, draw, align=center, anchor=north, inner sep=0}]

   % circle illustrating all women
   \node[ball,text width=3cm,fill=purple!20] (all) at (6,0) {All women};

   % two circles showing split of p{cancer} and p{~cancer}
   \node[ball,fill=red!70,text width=0.1cm,anchor=base] (pcan) at (3.5,-5.5) {};
   \node[ball,fill=blue!40,text width=2.9cm,anchor=base] (pncan) at (8.5,-6)
      {Women without cancer\\
      $\p({\sim}\cancer) = 99\%$};

   % arrows showing split from all women to cancer and ~cancer
   \draw[->,thick,draw=red!50] (all.south) to [out=270,in=90] (pcan.north);
   \draw[->,thick,draw=blue!80] (all.south) to [out=270,in=110] (pncan.100);

   % transition from all women to actual cancer rates
   \node[anchor=north,text width=10cm,inner sep=.05cm,align=center,fill=white]
   (why1) at (6,-3.7) {In measuring, we find:};

   % note illustration the p{cancer} circle (text wont fit inside)
   \node[inner sep=0,anchor=east,text width=3.3cm] (note1) at (3.2,-5.5) {
      Women with cancer $\p(\cancer) = 1\%$};

   % draw the sieves
   \node[block,anchor=north,text width=4.4cm,fill=green!50] (tray1) at
      (3.5,-8.8) {\small{$\p(\testp\mid\cancer)=0.8$}};

   \node[block,anchor=north,text width=4.4cm,fill=green!50] (tray2) at
      (8.5,-8.8) {$\p(\testp\mid{\sim}\cancer)=0.096$};

   % text explaining how p{cancer} and p{~cancer} behave as they
   % pass through the sieves
   \node[anchor=west,text width=6cm] (note1) at (-6,-9.1) {
      Now we pass both groups through the sieve; note that both
      sieves are \emph{the same}; they just behave differently
      depending on which group is passing through. \\ 
      Let $\testp=$ a positve mammography.};

   % arrows showing the circles passing through the seives
   \draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (3.5,-5.9) -- (3.5,-8.6);
   \draw[->,thick,draw=blue!50] (8.5,-8.1) -- (8.5,-8.6);

   % numerator
   \node[ball,text width=0.05cm,fill=red!70] (can) at (6,-10.5) {};

   % dividing line
   \draw[thick] (5,-11) -- (7,-11);

   % demoniator
   \node[ball,text width=0.39cm,fill=blue!40,anchor=base] (ncan) at (6.5,-11.5) {};
   \node[ball,text width=0.05cm,fill=red!70,anchor=base] (can2) at (5.5,-11.5) {};

   % plus sign in denominator
   \draw[thick] (5.9,-11.4) -- (5.9,-11.6);
   \draw[thick] (5.8,-11.5) -- (6,-11.5);

   % arrows showing the output of the sieves formed the fraction
   \draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (tray1.south) to [out=280,in=180] (can);
   \draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (tray1.south) to [out=280,in=180] (can2);
   \node[anchor=north,inner sep=.1cm,align=center,fill=white] (why2) at
      (3.8,-9.8) {$1\% * 80\%$};

   \draw[->,thick,draw=blue!50] (tray2.south) to [out=265,in=0] (ncan);
   \node[anchor=north,inner sep=.1cm,align=center,fill=white] (why2) at
      (8.4,-9.8) {$99\% * 9.6\%$};

   % explanation of final formula
   \node[anchor=north west,text width=6.5cm] (note2) at (-6,-12.5)
      {Finally, to find the probability that a positive test
         \emph{actually means cancer}, we look at those who passed
         through the sieve \emph{with cancer}, and divide by all who
         received a positive test, cancer or not.}; 

   % illustrated fraction turned into math
   \node[anchor=north,text width=10cm] (solution) at (6,-12.5) {
         + \p(\testp\mid{\sim}\cancer)} &= \\
         \frac{1\% * 80\%}{(1\% * 80\%) + (99\% * 9.6\%)} &= 7.8\%
         = \p(\cancer\mid\testp)

```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false

# \usetikzlibrary{arrows}
# \usetikzlibrary{positioning}
# \usetikzlibrary{calc}
# \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}
# \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing}

# \begin{tikzpicture}
# \draw (0,0)node(a){} -- (10,0) node (b) {} ;
# \foreach \x in  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} % edit here for the vertical lines
# \draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt);
# \foreach \x in {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1} % edit here for the numbers
# \draw[shift={(\x*10,0)},color=black] (0pt,0pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) node[below]
# {$\x$};
# \node at (8, 0.5) (eq1) {$\textcolor{red}{\boldsymbol{SQ}}$};
# \node at (4, 0.5) (eq2) {$\textcolor{purple}{\boldsymbol{G_i(0)}}$}; 
# \node at (7, 0.5) (eq2) {$\textcolor{purple}{\boldsymbol{G_i(1)}}$}; 
# \node at (3, 0.5) (eq3) {$\textcolor{blue}{\boldsymbol{P}}$};
# \node at (0, 0.5) (eq4) {$\textcolor{black}{\boldsymbol{x_i}}$};
# \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=6pt, mirror},] ([yshift=0.5cm]4,0.5)-- node[above=0.25cm]
# {\shortstack{Text}}([yshift=0.5cm]3,0.5);
# \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=6pt},] ([yshift=-1cm]7,0)-- node[below=0.25cm]
# {\shortstack{Text}}([yshift=-1cm]3,0);
# \end{tikzpicture}

Tikz Neural Networks

```{r, engine = 'tikz', engine.opts=font_opts2, cache=TRUE}
#| cache: true

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size

\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
\tikzstyle{node}=[thick,circle,draw=myblue,minimum size=22,inner sep=0.5,outer sep=0.6]
\tikzstyle{node in}=[node,green!20!black,draw=mygreen!30!black,fill=mygreen!25]
\tikzstyle{node hidden}=[node,blue!20!black,draw=myblue!30!black,fill=myblue!20]
\tikzstyle{node convol}=[node,orange!20!black,draw=myorange!30!black,fill=myorange!20]
\tikzstyle{node out}=[node,red!20!black,draw=myred!30!black,fill=myred!20]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[thick,mydarkblue] %,line cap=round
\tikzstyle{connect arrow}=[-{Latex[length=4,width=3.5]},thick,mydarkblue,shorten <=0.5,shorten >=1]
\tikzset{ % node styles, numbered for easy mapping with \nstyle
  node 1/.style={node in},
  node 2/.style={node hidden},
  node 3/.style={node out},
\def\nstyle{int(\lay<\Nnodlen?min(2,\lay):3)} % map layer number onto 1, 2, or 3

  \message{^^JNeural network activation}
  \def\NI{5} % number of nodes in input layers
  \def\NO{4} % number of nodes in output layers
  \def\yshift{0.4} % shift last node for dots
  \foreach \i [evaluate={\c=int(\i==\NI); \y=\NI/2-\i-\c*\yshift; \index=(\i<\NI?int(\i):"n");}]
              in {1,...,\NI}{ % loop over nodes
    \node[node in,outer sep=0.6] (NI-\i) at (0,\y) {$a_{\index}^{(0)}$};
  \foreach \i [evaluate={\c=int(\i==\NO); \y=\NO/2-\i-\c*\yshift; \index=(\i<\NO?int(\i):"m");}]
    in {\NO,...,1}{ % loop over nodes
    \ifnum\i=1 % high-lighted node
      \node[node hidden]
        (NO-\i) at (1,\y) {$a_{\index}^{(1)}$};
      \foreach \j [evaluate={\index=(\j<\NI?int(\j):"n");}] in {1,...,\NI}{ % loop over nodes in previous layer
        \draw[connect,white,line width=1.2] (NI-\j) -- (NO-\i);
        \draw[connect] (NI-\j) -- (NO-\i)
          node[pos=0.50] {\contour{white}{$w_{1,\index}$}};
    \else % other light-colored nodes
        (NO-\i) at (1,\y) {$a_{\index}^{(1)}$};
      \foreach \j in {1,...,\NI}{ % loop over nodes in previous layer
        %\draw[connect,white,line width=1.2] (NI-\j) -- (NO-\i);
        \draw[connect,myblue!20] (NI-\j) -- (NO-\i);
  % DOTS
  \path (NI-\NI) --++ (0,1+\yshift) node[midway,scale=1.2] {$\vdots$};
  \path (NO-\NO) --++ (0,1+\yshift) node[midway,scale=1.2] {$\vdots$};
  \node[below=17,right=11,mydarkblue,scale=0.95] at (NO-1)
    {$\begin{aligned} %\underset{\text{bias}}{b_1}
       &= \color{mydarkred}\sigma\left( \color{black}
            w_{1,0}\agr{0} + w_{1,1}\agr{1} + \ldots + w_{1,n}\agr{n} + b_1^{(0)}
       &= \color{mydarkred}\sigma\left( \color{black}
            \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_{1,i}\agr{i} + b_1^{(0)}
  \node[right,scale=0.9] at (1.3,-1.3)
        a_{1}^{(1)} \\[0.3em]
        a_{2}^{(1)} \\
        \vdots \\
      \color{mydarkred}\sigma\left[ \color{black}
        w_{1,0} & w_{1,1} & \ldots & w_{1,n} \\
        w_{2,0} & w_{2,1} & \ldots & w_{2,n} \\
        \vdots  & \vdots  & \ddots & \vdots  \\
        w_{m,0} & w_{m,1} & \ldots & w_{m,n}
        a_{1}^{(0)} \\[0.3em]
        a_{2}^{(0)} \\
        \vdots \\
        b_{1}^{(0)} \\[0.3em]
        b_{2}^{(0)} \\
        \vdots \\
      &= \color{mydarkred}\sigma\left( \color{black}
           \mathbf{W}^{(0)} {\color{mydarkgreen}a^{(0)}}+\mathbf{b}^{(0)}
         %\color{black},\quad \mathbf{W}^{(0)} \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}



```{r, engine = 'tikz', engine.opts=font_opts}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true

\newcommand{\xout}[2]{$\hat x_#2$}

  \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron, fill=orange!70];
  \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron, fill=blue!60!black, text=white];

  \inputlayer[count=8, bias=false, title=Input Layer, text=\xin]

  \hiddenlayer[count=5, bias=false]

  \hiddenlayer[count=3, bias=false, title=Latent\\Representation]

  \hiddenlayer[count=5, bias=false]

  \outputlayer[count=8, title=Output Layer, text=\xout]




```{r, engine = 'tikz', engine.opts=font_opts, cache=TRUE}
#| eval: true


  % #1 (str): namespace
  % #2 (list[list[str]]): list of labels to print in the node of each neuron
  \foreach \neurons [count=\lyrIdx] in #2 {
    \StrCount{\neurons}{,}[\lyrLength] % use xstring package to save each layer size into \lyrLength macro
    \foreach \n [count=\nIdx] in \neurons
      \node[neuron] (#1-\lyrIdx-\nIdx) at (2*\lyrIdx, \lyrLength/2-1.4*\nIdx) {\n};

  % #1 (str): namespace
  % #2 (list[int]): number of nodes in each layer
  \foreach \n [count=\lyrIdx, remember=\lyrIdx as \previdx, remember=\n as \prevn] in #2 {
    \foreach \y in {1,...,\n} {
      \ifnum \lyrIdx > 1
        \foreach \x in {1,...,\prevn}
          \draw[->] (#1-\previdx-\x) -- (#1-\lyrIdx-\y);

    shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt,
    neuron/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=4ex, thick},

  % encoder
  \drawNodes{encoder}{{{,,,,}, {,,,}, {,,}}}
  \denselyConnectNodes{encoder}{{5, 4, 3}}

  % decoder
    \drawNodes{decoder}{{{,,}, {,,,}, {,,,,}}}
    \denselyConnectNodes{decoder}{{3, 4, 5}}

  % mu, sigma, sample nodes
  \foreach \idx in {1,...,3} {
      \coordinate[neuron, right=2 of encoder-3-2, yshift=\idx cm,, fill=yellow, fill opacity=0.2] (mu-\idx);
      \coordinate[neuron, right=2 of encoder-3-2, yshift=-\idx cm, fill=blue, fill opacity=0.1] (sigma-\idx);
      \coordinate[neuron, right=4 of encoder-3-2, yshift=\idx cm-2cm, fill=green, fill opacity=0.1] (sample-\idx);

  % mu, sigma, sample boxes
  \node [label=$\mu$, fit=(mu-1) (mu-3), draw, fill=yellow, opacity=0.45] (mu) {};
  \node [label=$\sigma$, fit=(sigma-1) (sigma-3), draw, fill=blue, opacity=0.3] (sigma) {};
  \node [label=sample, fit=(sample-1) (sample-3), draw, fill=green, opacity=0.3] (sample) {};

  % mu, sigma, sample connections
  \draw[->] (mu.east) edge (sample.west) (sigma.east) -- (sample.west);
  \foreach \a in {1,2,3}
  \foreach \b in {1,2,3} {
      \draw[->] (encoder-3-\a) -- (mu-\b);
      \draw[->] (encoder-3-\a) -- (sigma-\b);
      \draw[->] (sample-\a) -- (decoder-1-\b);

  % input + output labels
  \foreach \idx in {1,...,5} {
      \node[left=0 of encoder-1-\idx] {$x_\idx$};
      \node[right=0 of decoder-3-\idx] {$\hat x_\idx$};
  \node[above=0.1 of encoder-1-1] {input};
  \node[above=0.1 of decoder-3-1] {output};



bayes vs regular nn

```{r, engine = 'tikz', engine.opts=font_opts}
#| cache: true
#| fig-align: "center"


    % Input layer
    \foreach \y in {1,...,2}
        \node[neuron, fill=green!40] (i\y-#1) at (0,\y+1) {$i\y$};

    % Hidden layer
    \foreach \y in {1,...,4}
        \path node[neuron, fill=blue!40] (h\y-#1) at (\layersep,\y) {$h\y$};

    % Output node
    \node[neuron, fill=red!40] (o-#1) at (2*\layersep,2.5) {$o$};

    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the hidden layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,...,2}
        \foreach \dest in {1,...,4}
            \path (i\source-#1) edge (h\dest-#1);

    % Connect every node in the hidden layer with the output layer
    \foreach \source in {1,...,4}
        \path (h\source-#1) edge (o-#1);

    shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!70, node distance=\layersep,
    neuron/.style={circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=20,inner sep=0},
    edge/.style 2 args={pos={(mod(#1+#2,2)+1)*0.33}, font=\tiny},
    distro/.style 2 args={
        edge={#1}{#2}, node contents={}, minimum size=0.6cm, path picture={\draw[double=orange,white,thick,double distance=1pt,shorten >=0pt] plot[variable=\t,domain=-1:1,samples=51] ({\t},{0.2*exp(-100*(\t-0.05*(#1-1))^2 - 3*\t*#2))});}
    weight/.style 2 args={
        edge={#1}{#2}, node contents={\pgfmathparse{0.35*#1-#2*0.15}\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed]{\pgfmathresult}}, fill=white, inner sep=2pt


  % Draw weights for all regular edges.
  \foreach \i in {1,...,2}
  \foreach \j in {1,...,4}
  \path (i\i-regular) -- (h\j-regular) node[weight={\i}{\j}];
  \foreach \i in {1,...,4}
  \path (h\i-regular) -- (o-regular) node[weight={\i}{1}];

  % Draw distros for all Bayesian edges.
  \foreach \i in {1,...,2}
  \foreach \j in {1,...,4}
  \path (i\i-bayes) -- (h\j-bayes) node[distro={\i}{\j}];
  \foreach \i in {1,...,4}
  \path (h\i-bayes) -- (o-bayes) node[distro={\i}{1}];



#| results: 'asis'
#| eval: false

nnd <- nndiagram(input=3, hidden=c(4,4,4))
```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true

  \node[shape=rectangle,inner sep=3pt, draw=black!100, fill= black!25] (char) {#1};}} 

\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!100, node distance=\layersep, scale=1] 
  \tikzstyle{every pin edge}=[<-,shorten <=1pt]; 
  \tikzstyle{neuron}=[circle, draw=black!100, minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]; 
  \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron]; 
  \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron]; 
  \tikzstyle{hidden neuron}=[neuron]; 
  \tikzstyle{annot} = [text width=4em, text centered, text=black!100] 
  % drawing neurons 
  \foreach \name / \y in {1,...,3} 
      \node [input neuron, pin=left:\textcolor{black!100}{Input \y}] (I-\name) at (0,-0.5-\y) {};
  \foreach \name / \y in {1/1,2/2,3/3,4/4} 
          node[hidden neuron] (H-\name) at (1* \layersep,-\y cm) {};
  \foreach \name / \y in {5/1,6/2,7/3,8/4} 
          node[hidden neuron] (H-\name) at (2* \layersep,-\y cm) {};
  \foreach \name / \y in {9/1,10/2,11/3,12/4} 
          node[hidden neuron] (H-\name) at (3* \layersep,-\y cm) {};
  \node[output neuron,pin={[pin edge={->}]right:\textcolor{black!100}{Output}}, right of=H-10, yshift=-0.5cm] (O) {}; 

   % drawing arrows 
  \foreach \source in {1,...,3} 
      \foreach \dest in {1,...,4}
           \path (I-\source) edge (H-\dest); 
  \foreach \source in {1,...,4} 
      \foreach \dest in {5,...,8}
           \path (H-\source) edge (H-\dest); 
  \foreach \source in {5,...,8} 
      \foreach \dest in {9,...,12}
           \path (H-\source) edge (H-\dest); 
  \foreach \source in {9,...,12}
           \path (H-\source) edge (O);
   % annotations 
  \node[annot,above of=I-1, node distance=2.5cm] {Input layer}; 
  \node[annot,above of=I-1, node distance=1.5cm] {$\circled{3}$}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-1, node distance=2cm] (hl1) {Hidden layer 1}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-1, node distance=1cm] (hl1) {$\circled{4}$}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-5, node distance=2cm] (hl2) {Hidden layer 2}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-5, node distance=1cm] (hl2) {$\circled{4}$}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-9, node distance=2cm] (hl3) {Hidden layer 3}; 
  \node[annot,above of=H-9, node distance=1cm] (hl3) {$\circled{4}$}; 
  \node[annot,above of =O, node distance=3.5cm] {Output layer}; 
  \node[annot,above of =O, node distance=2.5cm] {$\circled{1}$}; 



Latent Space Projection

```{{r, engine = 'tikz',engine.opts=list(extra.preamble = c("\\usepackage{cmbright}"))}}
#| eval: true
#| cache: true

\tikzset{>={Straight Barb[angle'=80, scale=1.1]}}

\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(0, 2);
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(2.5, 0.6);
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(3, 0) node[midway, below, yshift=-0.5em]
    {Original space ${\cal X}$};

\draw[fill=green!50, draw=none, shift={(0.2, 0.7)},scale=0.5]
  (0, 0) to[out=20, in=140] (1.5, -0.2) to [out=60, in=160]
  (5, 0.5) to[out=130, in=60]

\shade[thin, left color=green!10, right color=green!50, draw=none,
  shift={(0.2, 0.7)},scale=0.5]
  (0, 0) to[out=10, in=140] (3.3, -0.8) to [out=60, in=190] (5, 0.5)
    to[out=130, in=60] cycle;

  \draw[->] (4.8, 0.8) -- ++(0, 2);
  \draw[->] (4.8, 0.8) -- ++(2, 0) node[midway, below, yshift=-0.5em]
      {Latent space ${\cal F}$};

  \draw[thin, fill=green!30, draw=none, shift={(5.4, 1.1)}, rotate=20]
    (0, 0) -- (1, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1) -- cycle;

    (1.5, 1.3) to [out=55, in=150] node[midway, above, xshift=6pt, yshift=2pt]
    {$f$} (5.7, 2);

  \draw[thick,->,blue] (1.5, 1.3) ++(4.03, 0.3) to [out=150, in=55]
    node[midway, below, xshift=2pt, yshift=-2pt] {$g$} ++(-3.6, -0.5);




```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| cache: true


    thick, text centered,
    box/.style={draw, thin, minimum width=1cm},
    func/.style={circle, text=white},
    input/.style={draw=red, very thick},

  % x nodes
  \node[box, input, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$x_1$};
  \node[box, input, fill=blue!20, right of=x1] (x2) {$x_2$};
  \node[right of=x2] (xdots1) {\dots};
  \node[box, input, fill=blue!20, right of=xdots1] (xd) {$x_d$};
  \node[box, fill=green!60!black, text opacity=1, opacity=0.4, right=2 of xd] (xdp1) {$x_{d+1}$};
  \node[right of=xdp1] (xdots2) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=green!60!black, text opacity=1, opacity=0.4, right of=xdots2] (xD) {$x_D$};

  % z nodes
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, below=3 of x1] (z1) {$z_1$};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=z1] (z2) {$z_2$};
  \node[right of=z2] (zdots1) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=zdots1] (zd) {$z_d$};
  \node[box, input, fill=orange!40, right=2 of zd] (zdp1) {$z_{d+1}$};
  \node[right of=zdp1] (zdots2) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=orange!40, right of=zdots2] (zD) {$z_D$};

  % z to x lines
  \draw[->] (zdp1) -- (xdp1);

  % scale and translate functions
  \node[func, font=\large, fill=teal, above right=0.1] (t) at ($(zd)!0.5!(xdp1)$) {$t$};
  \fill[teal, opacity=0.5] (x1.south west) -- ( -- (xd.south east) -- (x1.south west);

  \node[func, font=\large, fill=orange, below left=0.1] (s) at ($(zd)!0.5!(xdp1)$) {$s$};
  \fill[orange, opacity=0.5] (x1.south west) -- ( -- (xd.south east) -- (x1.south west);

  % feeding in s and t
  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=orange] (odot1) at ($(zdp1)!0.4!(xdp1)$) {$\odot$};
  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=teal] (oplus1) at ($(zdp1)!0.7!(xdp1)$) {$\oplus$};
  \draw[orange, ->] (s) to[bend right=5] (odot1);
  \draw[teal, ->] (t) to[bend right=5] (oplus1);




```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!50, node distance=\layersep]
    \tikzstyle{every pin edge}=[<-,shorten <=1pt]
    \tikzstyle{neuron}=[circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]
    \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron, fill=green!50];
    \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron, fill=red!50];
    \tikzstyle{annot} = [text width=4em, text centered]

    % Draw the input layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2}
        \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \#\y] (I-\name) at (0,-\y) {};

    % Draw the output layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2,3}
            node[output neuron] (O-\name) at (\layersep,-\y cm) {};

    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the
    % output layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,2}
        \foreach \dest in {1,2,3}
            \path (I-\source) edge (O-\dest);

    % Annotate the layers with equations
    \node[above of=I-1, node distance=1.5cm] (il) {$a_i(X)=e^{-\gamma \cdot (X-X_i)^2}$ \\ $\frac{a_i(X)}{\sum a_i(X)}$};
    \node[above of=O-1, node distance=1.5cm] (ol) {$O_j(X)=\sum_{i=1}^M w_{j i} \cdot a_i(X)$ \\ $P[Y_j|X]=\frac{O_j(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^L O_k(X)}$};

```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!50, node distance=\layersep]
    \tikzstyle{every pin edge}=[<-,shorten <=1pt]
    \tikzstyle{neuron}=[circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]
    \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron, fill=green!50];
    \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron, fill=red!50];
    \tikzstyle{annot} = [text width=4em, text centered]

    % Draw the input layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2}
        \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \#\y] (I-\name) at (0,-\y) {$X_{\y}$};

    % Draw the output layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2,3}
            node[output neuron] (O-\name) at (\layersep,-\y cm) {$Y_{\y}$};

    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the
    % output layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,2}
        \foreach \dest in {1,2,3}
            \path (I-\source) edge (O-\dest);

    % Annotate the layers with equations
    \node[above of=I-1, node distance=1.5cm] (il) {$a_i(X)=e^{-\gamma \cdot (X-X_i)^2}$ \\ $\frac{a_i(X)}{\sum a_i(X)}$};
    \node[above of=O-1, node distance=1.5cm] (ol) {$O_j(X)=\sum_{i=1}^M w_{j i} \cdot a_i(X)$ \\ $P[Y_j|X]=\frac{O_j(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^L O_k(X)}$};

```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit}


\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!50, node distance=\layersep]
    \tikzstyle{every pin edge}=[<-,shorten <=1pt]
    \tikzstyle{neuron}=[circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]
    \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron, fill=green!50];
    \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron, fill=red!50];
    \tikzstyle{annot} = [text width=4em, text centered]

    % Draw the input layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2}
        \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \#\y] (I-\name) at (0,-\y) {$X_{\y}$};

    % Draw the output layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2,3}
            node[output neuron] (O-\name) at (\layersep,-\y cm) {$Y_{\y}$};

    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the
    % output layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,2}
        \foreach \dest in {1,2,3}
            \path (I-\source) edge (O-\dest);

    % Annotate the layers with equations
    \node[above of=I-1, node distance=1.5cm] (il) {$a_i(X)=e^{-\gamma \cdot (X-X_i)^2}$ \\ $\frac{a_i(X)}{\sum a_i(X)}$};
    \node[above of=O-1, node distance=1.5cm] (ol) {$O_j(X)=\sum_{i=1}^M w_{j i} \cdot a_i(X)$ \\ $P[Y_j|X]=\frac{O_j(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^L O_k(X)}$};

    % Draw rectangles over the input and output layer nodes
    \node[rectangle, draw=black, inner sep=0.5cm, fit=(I-1) (I-2)] (inputbox) {};
    \node[rectangle, draw=black, inner sep=0.5cm, fit=(O-1) (O-2) (O-3)] (outputbox) {};


```{r, engine = 'tikz'}
#| eval: false

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc}

\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,draw=black!50, node distance=\layersep]
    \tikzstyle{every pin edge}=[<-,shorten <=1pt]
    \tikzstyle{neuron}=[circle,fill=black!25,minimum size=17pt,inner sep=0pt]
    \tikzstyle{input neuron}=[neuron, fill=green!50];
    \tikzstyle{output neuron}=[neuron, fill=red!50];
    \tikzstyle{annot} = [text centered]

    % Draw the input layer nodes horizontally
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2}
        \node[input neuron, pin=left:Input \#\y] (I-\name) at ($(1.5*\y cm,0)$) {$X_{\y}$};

    % Draw the output layer nodes
    \foreach \name / \y in {1,2,3}
        \node[output neuron] (O-\name) at ($(1.5*\name cm, -\layersep)$) {$Y_{\y}$};

    % Connect every node in the input layer with every node in the
    % output layer.
    \foreach \source in {1,2}
        \foreach \dest in {1,2,3}
            \path (I-\source) edge (O-\dest);

    % Add input stimulus symbol above the input layer
    \node[above=2cm of I-1, anchor=south] (input-stimulus) {Stimulus $S$};

    % Add output response symbol below the output layer
    \node[below=2cm of O-2, anchor=north] (output-response) {Response $R$};

    % Annotate the layers with equations
    \node[left=4cm of I-1, anchor=east, font=\small, text width=5cm] (ile) {$a_i(X)=e^{-\gamma \cdot (X-X_i)^2}$ \\ $\frac{a_i(X)}{\sum a_i(X)}$};
    \node[left=4cm of O-1, anchor=east, font=\small, text width=5cm] (ole) {$O_j(X)=\sum_{i=1}^M w_{j i} \cdot a_i(X)$ \\ $P[Y_j|X]=\frac{O_j(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^L O_k(X)}$};

    % Add rectangles around input and output layers
    \node[draw,rectangle,fit=(I-1) (I-2),minimum width=4cm, label=above:Input Layer] (input-rect) {};
    \node[draw,rectangle,fit=(O-1) (O-2) (O-3),minimum width=4cm, label=above:Output Layer] (output-rect) {};

    % Add rectangle for the decoding process
    \node[draw,rectangle,fit=(output-response), label=above:Decoding Process, minimum width=3cm] (decoding-rect) {};

    % Add arrow from output layer to decoding process
    \draw[->,thick] (output-rect) -- (decoding-rect);

