
Analyses Strategy

All data processing and statistical analyses were performed in R version 4.31 Team (2020). To assess differences between groups, we used Bayesian Mixed Effects Regression. Model fitting was performed with the brms package in R Bürkner (2017), and descriptive stats and tables were extracted with the BayestestR package Makowski et al. (2019). Mixed effects regression enables us to take advantage of partial pooling, simultaneously estimating parameters at the individual and group level. Our use of Bayesian, rather than frequentist methods allows us to directly quantify the uncertainty in our parameter estimates, as well as circumventing convergence issues common to the frequentist analogues of our mixed models. For each model, we report the median values of the posterior distribution, and 95% credible intervals.

Each model was set to run with 4 chains, 5000 iterations per chain, with the first 2500 of which were discarded as warmup chains. Rhat values were generally within an acceptable range, with values <=1.02 (see appendix for diagnostic plots). We used uninformative priors for the fixed effects of the model (condition and velocity band), and weakly informative Student T distributions for for the random effects.

We compared varied and constant performance across two measures, deviation and discrimination. Deviation was quantified as the absolute deviation from the nearest boundary of the velocity band, or set to 0 if the throw velocity fell anywhere inside the target band. Thus, when the target band was 600-800, throws of 400, 650, and 1100 would result in deviation values of 200, 0, and 300, respectively. Discrimination was measured by fitting a linear model to the testing throws of each subjects, with the lower end of the target velocity band as the predicted variable, and the x velocity produced by the participants as the predictor variable. Participants who reliably discriminated between velocity bands tended to have positive slopes with values ~1, while participants who made throws irrespective of the current target band would have slopes ~0.

# Create the data frame for the table
table_data <- data.frame(
  Type = c(
    rep("Population-Level Effects", 4),
    rep("Group-Level Effects", 2),
    "Family Specific Parameters"
  Parameter = c(
    "\\(\\beta_0\\)", "\\(\\beta_1\\)", "\\(\\beta_2\\)", "\\(\\beta_3\\)",
    "\\(\\sigma_{\\text{Intercept}}\\)", "\\(\\sigma_{\\text{bandInt}}\\)", "\\(\\sigma_{\\text{Observation}}\\)"
  Term = c(
    "(Intercept)", "conditVaried", "bandInt", "conditVaried:bandInt",
    "sd__(Intercept)", "sd__bandInt", "sd__Observation"
  Description = c(
    "Intercept representing the baseline deviation", "Effect of condition (Varied vs. Constant) on deviation", "Effect of target velocity band (bandInt) on deviation", "Interaction effect between training condition and target velocity band on deviation",
    "Standard deviation for (Intercept)", "Standard deviation for bandInt", "Standard deviation for Gaussian Family"
) |>   mutate(
    Term = glue::glue("<code>{Term}</code>")

# Create the table
kable_out <- table_data %>%
  kbl(format = 'html', escape = FALSE, booktabs = TRUE, 
      #caption = '<span style = "color:black;"><center><strong>Table 1: General Model Structure Information</strong></center></span>',
      col.names = c("Type", "Parameter", "Term", "Description")) %>%
  kable_styling(position="left", bootstrap_options = c("hover"), full_width = FALSE) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold = FALSE, border_right = TRUE) %>%
  column_spec(2, width = '4cm') %>%
  column_spec(3, width = '4cm') %>%
  row_spec(c(4, 7), extra_css = "border-bottom: 2px solid black;") %>%
  pack_rows("", 1, 4, bold = FALSE, italic = TRUE) %>%
  pack_rows("", 5, 6, bold = FALSE, italic = TRUE) %>%
  pack_rows("", 7, 7, bold = FALSE, italic = TRUE)

Table 1: Mixed model structure and coefficient descriptions
Type Parameter Term Description
Population-Level Effects \(\beta_0\) (Intercept) Intercept representing the baseline deviation
Population-Level Effects \(\beta_1\) conditVaried Effect of condition (Varied vs. Constant) on deviation
Population-Level Effects \(\beta_2\) bandInt Effect of target velocity band (bandInt) on deviation
Population-Level Effects \(\beta_3\) conditVaried:bandInt Interaction effect between training condition and target velocity band on deviation
Group-Level Effects \(\sigma_{\text{Intercept}}\) sd__(Intercept) Standard deviation for (Intercept)
Group-Level Effects \(\sigma_{\text{bandInt}}\) sd__bandInt Standard deviation for bandInt
Family Specific Parameters \(\sigma_{\text{Observation}}\) sd__Observation Standard deviation for Gaussian Family


Testing Phase - No feedback.

In the first part of the testing phase, participants are tested from each of the velocity bands, and receive no feedback after each throw.

Deviation From Target Band

Descriptive summaries testing deviation data are provided in Table 2 and Figure 1. To model differences in accuracy between groups, we used Bayesian mixed effects regression models to the trial level data from the testing phase. The primary model predicted the absolute deviation from the target velocity band (dist) as a function of training condition (condit), target velocity band (band), and their interaction, with random intercepts and slopes for each participant (id).

\[\begin{equation} dist_{ij} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot condit_{ij} + \beta_2 \cdot band_{ij} + \beta_3 \cdot condit_{ij} \cdot band_{ij} + b_{0i} + b_{1i} \cdot band_{ij} + \epsilon_{ij} \end{equation}\]
datasummary(vx*vb ~ Mean + SD + Histogram, data = testAvg)

datasummary(vx*vb*condit ~ Mean + SD + Histogram, data = testAvg)
result <- test_summary_table(test, "dist","Deviation", mfun = list(mean = mean, median = median, sd = sd))
result$constant |> kbl()
result$varied |> kbl()
Table 2: Testing Deviation - Empirical Summary
(a) Constant Testing - Deviation
Band Band Type Mean Median Sd
100-300 Extrapolation 254 148 298
350-550 Extrapolation 191 110 229
600-800 Extrapolation 150 84 184
800-1000 Trained 184 106 242
1000-1200 Extrapolation 233 157 282
1200-1400 Extrapolation 287 214 290
(b) Varied Testing - Deviation
Band Band Type Mean Median Sd
100-300 Extrapolation 386 233 426
350-550 Extrapolation 285 149 340
600-800 Extrapolation 234 144 270
800-1000 Trained 221 149 248
1000-1200 Trained 208 142 226
1200-1400 Trained 242 182 235
test |>  ggplot(aes(x = vb, y = dist,fill=condit)) +
    stat_summary(geom = "bar", position=position_dodge(), fun = mean) +
    stat_summary(geom = "errorbar", position=position_dodge(.9), = mean_se, width = .4, alpha = .7) + 
  labs(x="Band", y="Deviation From Target")
Figure 1: E1. Deviations from target band during testing without feedback stage.
modelFile <- paste0(here::here("data/model_cache/"), "e1_dist_Cond_Type_RF_2")
bmtd <- brm(dist ~ condit * bandType + (1|bandInt) + (1|id), 
    data=testE1, file=modelFile,
    iter=5000,chains=4, control = list(adapt_delta = .94, max_treedepth = 13))

mted1 <-, centrality = "Mean"))[, c(1,2,4,5,6)]
colnames(mted1) <- c("Term", "Estimate","95% CrI Lower", "95% CrI Upper", "pd")

# r_bandInt_params <- get_variables(bmtd)[grepl("r_bandInt", get_variables(bmtd))]
# posterior_summary(bmtd,variable=r_bandInt_params)
# r_bandInt_params <- get_variables(bmtd)[grepl("r_id:bandInt", get_variables(bmtd))]
# posterior_summary(bmtd,variable=r_bandInt_params)

mted1 |> mutate(across(where(is.numeric), \(x) round(x, 2))) |>
  tibble::remove_rownames() |> 
  mutate(Term = stringr::str_remove(Term, "b_")) |> kable(booktabs = TRUE)
cdted1 <- get_coef_details(bmtd, "conditVaried")
cdted2 <-get_coef_details(bmtd, "bandTypeExtrapolation")
cdted3 <-get_coef_details(bmtd, "conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation")
Table 3: E1. Training vs. Extrapolation
Term Estimate 95% CrI Lower 95% CrI Upper pd
Intercept 152.55 70.63 229.85 1.0
conditVaried 39.00 -21.10 100.81 0.9
bandTypeExtrapolation 71.51 33.24 109.60 1.0
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation 66.46 32.76 99.36 1.0

Testing. To compare conditions in the testing stage, we first fit a model predicting deviation from the target band as a function of training condition and band type, with random intercepts for participants and bands. The model is shown in Table 3. The effect of training condition was not reliably different from 0 (β = 39, 95% CrI [-21.1, 100.81]; pd = 89.93%). The extrapolation testing items had a significantly greater deviation than the interpolation band (β = 71.51, 95% CrI [33.24, 109.6]; pd = 99.99%). The interaction between training condition and band type was significant (β = 66.46, 95% CrI [32.76, 99.36]; pd = 99.99%), with the varied group showing a greater deviation than the constant group in the extrapolation bands. See Figure 2.

pe1td <- testE1 |>  ggplot(aes(x = vb, y = dist,fill=condit)) +
    stat_summary(geom = "bar", position=position_dodge(), fun = mean) +
    stat_summary(geom = "errorbar", position=position_dodge(.9), = mean_se, width = .4, alpha = .7) + 
  theme(legend.title=element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) +
  labs(x="Band", y="Deviation From Target")

condEffects <- function(m,xvar){
  m |> ggplot(aes(x = {{xvar}}, y = .value, color = condit, fill = condit)) + 
  stat_dist_pointinterval() + 
  stat_halfeye(alpha=.1, height=.5) +
  theme(legend.title=element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) 

pe1ce <- bmtd |> emmeans( ~condit + bandType) |>
  gather_emmeans_draws() |>
 condEffects(bandType) + labs(y="Absolute Deviation From Band", x="Band Type")
Loading required namespace: rstanarm
(pe1td + pe1ce) + plot_annotation(tag_levels= 'A')
Figure 2: E1. Deviations from target band during testing without feedback stage.
modelName <- "e1_testDistBand_RF_5K"
e1_distBMM <- brm(dist ~ condit * bandInt + (1 + bandInt|id),
GetModelStats(e1_distBMM) |> kable(escape=F,booktabs=T,caption="Model Coefficients")
e1_distBMM |> 
          epred = TRUE, re_formula = NA) |> 
  pairs() |> gather_emmeans_draws()  |> 
   summarize(median_qi(.value),pd=sum(.value>0)/n()) |>
   select(contrast,Band=bandInt,value=y,lower=ymin,upper=ymax,pd) |> 
   mutate(across(where(is.numeric), \(x) round(x, 2)),
          pd=ifelse(value<0,1-pd,pd)) |>
coef_details <- get_coef_details(e1_distBMM, "conditVaried")
Table 4: Experiment 1. Bayesian Mixed Model predicting absolute deviation as a function of condition (Constant vs. Varied) and Velocity Band
Model Coefficients
Term Estimate 95% CrI Lower 95% CrI Upper pd
Intercept 205.09 136.86 274.06 1.00
conditVaried 157.44 60.53 254.90 1.00
Band 0.01 -0.07 0.08 0.57
condit*Band -0.16 -0.26 -0.06 1.00
contrast Band value lower upper pd
Constant - Varied 100 -141.49 -229.19 -53.83 1.00
Constant - Varied 350 -101.79 -165.62 -36.32 1.00
Constant - Varied 600 -62.02 -106.21 -14.77 1.00
Constant - Varied 800 -30.11 -65.08 6.98 0.94
Constant - Varied 1000 2.05 -33.46 38.41 0.54
Constant - Varied 1200 33.96 -11.94 81.01 0.92

The model predicting absolute deviation (dist) showed clear effects of both training condition and target velocity band (Table X). Overall, the varied training group showed a larger deviation relative to the constant training group (β = 157.44, 95% CI [60.53, 254.9]). Deviation also depended on target velocity band, with lower bands showing less deviation. See Table 3 for full model output.

condEffects <- function(m){
  m |> ggplot(aes(x = bandInt, y = .value, color = condit, fill = condit)) + 
  stat_dist_pointinterval() + stat_halfeye(alpha=.2) +
  stat_lineribbon(alpha = .25, size = 1, .width = c(.95)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) +
  ylab("Predicted X Velocity") + xlab("Band")

e1_distBMM |> emmeans( ~condit + bandInt, 
                       at = list(bandInt = c(100, 350, 600, 800, 1000, 1200))) |>
  gather_emmeans_draws() |>
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(100, 350, 600, 800, 1000, 1200), 
                     labels = levels(test$vb), 
                     limits = c(0, 1400)) 
Figure 3: E1. Conditioinal Effect of Training Condition and Band. Ribbon indicated 95% Credible Intervals.
Discrimination between bands

In addition to accuracy/deviation, we also assessed the ability of participants to reliably discriminate between the velocity bands (i.e. responding differently when prompted for band 600-800 than when prompted for band 150-350). Table 5 shows descriptive statistics of this measure, and Figure 1 visualizes the full distributions of throws for each combination of condition and velocity band. To quantify discrimination, we again fit Bayesian Mixed Models as above, but this time the dependent variable was the raw x velocity generated by participants on each testing trial.

\[\begin{equation} vx_{ij} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot condit_{ij} + \beta_2 \cdot bandInt_{ij} + \beta_3 \cdot condit_{ij} \cdot bandInt_{ij} + b_{0i} + b_{1i} \cdot bandInt_{ij} + \epsilon_{ij} \end{equation}\]
test %>% group_by(id,vb,condit) |> plot_distByCondit()
Figure 4: E1 testing x velocities. Translucent bands with dash lines indicate the correct range for each velocity band.
result <- test_summary_table(test, "vx","X Velocity", mfun = list(mean = mean, median = median, sd = sd))
result$constant |> kable()
result$varied |> kable()
Table 5: Testing vx - Empirical Summary
(a) Constant Testing - vx
Band Band Type Mean Median Sd
100-300 Extrapolation 524 448 327
350-550 Extrapolation 659 624 303
600-800 Extrapolation 770 724 300
800-1000 Trained 1001 940 357
1000-1200 Extrapolation 1167 1104 430
1200-1400 Extrapolation 1283 1225 483
(b) Varied Testing - vx
Band Band Type Mean Median Sd
100-300 Extrapolation 664 533 448
350-550 Extrapolation 768 677 402
600-800 Extrapolation 876 813 390
800-1000 Trained 1064 1029 370
1000-1200 Trained 1180 1179 372
1200-1400 Trained 1265 1249 412
e1_vxBMM <- brm(vx ~ condit * bandInt + (1 + bandInt|id),
                        data=test,file=paste0(here::here("data/model_cache", "e1_testVxBand_RF_5k")),
                        control=list(adapt_delta=0.94, max_treedepth=13))
GetModelStats(e1_vxBMM ) |> kable(escape=F,booktabs=T, caption="Fit to all 6 bands")
cd1 <- get_coef_details(e1_vxBMM, "conditVaried")
sc1 <- get_coef_details(e1_vxBMM, "bandInt")
intCoef1 <- get_coef_details(e1_vxBMM, "conditVaried:bandInt")

modelName <- "e1_extrap_testVxBand"
e1_extrap_VxBMM <- brm(vx ~ condit * bandInt + (1 + bandInt|id),
                  data=test |>
GetModelStats(e1_extrap_VxBMM ) |> kable(escape=F,booktabs=T, caption="Fit to 3 extrapolation bands")
sc2 <- get_coef_details(e1_extrap_VxBMM, "bandInt")
intCoef2 <- get_coef_details(e1_extrap_VxBMM, "conditVaried:bandInt")
Table 6: Experiment 1. Bayesian Mixed Model Predicting Vx as a function of condition (Constant vs. Varied) and Velocity Band
(a) Model fit to all 6 bands
Term Estimate 95% CrI Lower 95% CrI Upper pd
Intercept 408.55 327.00 490.61 1.00
conditVaried 164.05 45.50 278.85 1.00
Band 0.71 0.62 0.80 1.00
condit*Band -0.14 -0.26 -0.01 0.98
(b) Model fit to 3 extrapolation bands
Term Estimate 95% CrI Lower 95% CrI Upper pd
Intercept 497.49 431.26 566.17 1.00
conditVaried 124.79 26.61 224.75 0.99
Band 0.49 0.42 0.56 1.00
condit*Band -0.06 -0.16 0.04 0.88

See Table 6 for the full model results. The estimated coefficient for training condition (β = 164.05, 95% CrI [45.5, 278.85]) suggests that the varied group tends to produce harder throws than the constant group, but is not in and of itself useful for assessing discrimination. Most relevant to the issue of discrimination is the slope on Velocity Band (β = 0.71, 95% CrI [0.62, 0.8]). Although the median slope does fall underneath the ideal of value of 1, the fact that the 95% credible interval does not contain 0 provides strong evidence that participants exhibited some discrimination between bands. The estimate for the interaction between slope and condition (β = -0.14, 95% CrI [-0.26, -0.01]), suggests that the discrimination was somewhat modulated by training condition, with the varied participants showing less sensitivity between bands than the constant condition. This difference is depicted visually in Figure 5. Table 7 shows the average slope coefficients for varied and constant participants separately for each quartile. The constant participant participants appear to have larger slopes across quartiles, but the difference between conditions may be less pronounced for the top quartiles of subjects who show the strongest discrimination. Figure Figure 6 shows the distributions of slope values for each participant, and the compares the probability density of slope coefficients between training conditions. Figure 7

The second model, which focused solely on extrapolation bands, revealed similar patterns. The Velocity Band term (β = 0.49, 95% CrI [0.42, 0.56]) still demonstrates a high degree of discrimination ability. However, the posterior distribution for interaction term (β = -0.06, 95% CrI [-0.16, 0.04] ) does across over 0, suggesting that the evidence for decreased discrimination ability for the varied participants is not as strong when considering only the three extrapolation bands.

e1_vxBMM |> emmeans( ~condit + bandInt, 
                       at = list(bandInt = c(100, 350, 600, 800, 1000, 1200))) |>
  gather_emmeans_draws() |> 
  condEffects() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(100, 350, 600, 800, 1000, 1200), 
                     labels = levels(test$vb), 
                     limits = c(0, 1400))

e1_extrap_VxBMM |> emmeans( ~condit + bandInt, 
                       at = list(bandInt = c(100, 350, 600))) |>
  gather_emmeans_draws() |>
  condEffects() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(100, 350, 600), 
                     labels = levels(test$vb)[1:3], 
                     limits = c(0, 1000)) 
(a) Model fit to all 6 bands
(b) Model fit to only 3 extrapolation bands
Figure 5: Conditional effect of training condition and Band. Ribbons indicate 95% HDI. The steepness of the lines serves as an indicator of how well participants discriminated between velocity bands.
new_data_grid=map_dfr(1, ~data.frame(unique(test[,c("id","condit","bandInt")]))) |> 
  dplyr::arrange(id,bandInt) |> 
  mutate(condit_dummy = ifelse(condit == "Varied", 1, 0)) 

indv_coefs <- as_tibble(coef(e1_vxBMM)$id, rownames="id")|> 
  select(id, starts_with("Est")) |>
  left_join(e1Sbjs, by=join_by(id) ) 

fixed_effects <- e1_vxBMM |> 
  spread_draws(`^b_.*`,regex=TRUE) |> arrange(.chain,.draw,.iteration)

random_effects <- e1_vxBMM |> 
  gather_draws(`^r_id.*$`, regex = TRUE, ndraws = 500) |> 
  separate(.variable, into = c("effect", "id", "term"), sep = "\\[|,|\\]") |> 
  mutate(id = factor(id,levels=levels(test$id))) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = term, values_from = .value) |> arrange(id,.chain,.draw,.iteration)
Warning: Expected 3 pieces. Additional pieces discarded in 156000 rows [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ...].
 indvDraws <- left_join(random_effects, fixed_effects, by = join_by(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw")) |> 
  rename(bandInt_RF = bandInt,RF_Intercept=Intercept) |>
  right_join(new_data_grid, by = join_by("id")) |> 
    Slope = bandInt_RF+b_bandInt,
    Intercept= RF_Intercept + b_Intercept,
    estimate = (b_Intercept + RF_Intercept) + (bandInt*(b_bandInt+bandInt_RF)) + (bandInt * condit_dummy) * `b_conditVaried:bandInt`,
    SlopeInt = Slope + (`b_conditVaried:bandInt`*condit_dummy)
Warning in right_join(rename(left_join(random_effects, fixed_effects, by = join_by(".chain", : Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x` and `y`.
ℹ Row 1 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
ℹ Row 1 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
ℹ If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set `relationship =
  "many-to-many"` to silence this warning.
  indvSlopes <- indvDraws |> group_by(id) |> median_qi(Slope,SlopeInt, Intercept,b_Intercept,b_bandInt) |>
  left_join(e1Sbjs, by=join_by(id)) |> group_by(condit) |>
    select(id,condit,Intercept,b_Intercept,starts_with("Slope"),b_bandInt, n) |>
  mutate(rankSlope=rank(Slope)) |> arrange(rankSlope)   |> ungroup()
  indvSlopes |> mutate(Condition=condit) |>  group_by(Condition) |> 
    reframe(enframe(quantile(SlopeInt, c(0.0,0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1)), "quantile", "SlopeInt")) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from=quantile,values_from=SlopeInt,names_prefix="Q_") |>
  group_by(Condition) |>
  summarise(across(starts_with("Q"), list(mean = mean))) |> kbl()
Table 7: Slope coefficients by quartile, per condition
Condition Q_0%_mean Q_25%_mean Q_50%_mean Q_75%_mean Q_100%_mean
Constant -0.1065285 0.4813997 0.6901252 0.9368777 1.398519
Varied -0.2039670 0.2703687 0.5939692 0.8950950 1.288174

Figure 6 shows the distributions of estimated slopes relating velocity band to x velocity for each participant, ordered from lowest to highest within condition. Slope values are lower overall for varied training compared to constant training. Figure Xb plots the density of these slopes for each condition. The distribution for varied training has more mass at lower values than the constant training distribution. Both figures illustrate the model’s estimate that varied training resulted in less discrimination between velocity bands, evidenced by lower slopes on average.

  indvSlopes |> ggplot(aes(y=rankSlope, x=SlopeInt,fill=condit,color=condit)) + 
  geom_pointrange(aes(xmin=SlopeInt.lower , xmax=SlopeInt.upper)) + 
  labs(x="Estimated Slope", y="Participant")  + facet_wrap(~condit)

   ggplot(indvSlopes, aes(x = SlopeInt, color = condit)) + 
  geom_density() + labs(x="Slope Coefficient",y="Density")
(a) Slope estimates by participant - ordered from lowest to highest within each condition.
(b) Destiny of slope coefficients by training group
Figure 6: Slope distributions between condition
nSbj <- 3
indvDraws  |> indv_model_plot(indvSlopes, testAvg, SlopeInt,rank_variable=Slope,n_sbj=nSbj,"max")
indvDraws |> indv_model_plot(indvSlopes, testAvg,SlopeInt, rank_variable=Slope,n_sbj=nSbj,"min")
(a) subset with largest slopes
(b) subset with smallest slopes
Figure 7: Subset of Varied and Constant Participants with the smallest and largest estimated slope values. Red lines represent the best fitting line for each participant, gray lines are 200 random samples from the posterior distribution. Colored points and intervals at each band represent the empirical median and 95% HDI.

control for training end performance

testE1 |> group_by(id,condit) |> pivot_longer(c("dist","train_end"),names_to="var",values_to="value") |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=var,y=value, fill=condit)) + stat_bar + facet_wrap(~var)

testE1 |> ggplot(aes(x=train_end,y=dist,fill=condit)) + 
  stat_summary(geom = "line", position=position_dodge(), fun = mean) +
    stat_summary(geom = "errorbar", position=position_dodge(.9), = mean_se, width = .4, alpha = .7) + 
    facet_wrap(~vb) +
  labs(x="Band", y="Deviation From Target")
Warning: Width not defined
ℹ Set with `position_dodge(width = ...)`
Warning: `position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.
`position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.
`position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.
`position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.
`position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.
`position_dodge()` requires non-overlapping x intervals.

testE1 |> ggplot(aes(x=train_end,y=dist,fill=condit,col=condit)) + 
  #geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="loess") +
    facet_wrap(~vb) +
  labs(x="Band", y="Deviation From Target")
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

# create quartiles for train_end
testE1 |> group_by(condit,vb) |> 
  mutate(train_end_q = ntile(train_end,6)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=train_end_q,y=dist,fill=condit)) + 
 stat_bar + 
    facet_wrap(~vb) +
  labs(x="quartile", y="Deviation From Target")

bmtd3 <- brm(dist ~ condit * bandType * train_end + (1|bandInt) + (1|id), 
    iter=1000,chains=2, control = list(adapt_delta = .92, max_treedepth = 11))
 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = identity 
Formula: dist ~ condit * bandType * train_end + (1 | bandInt) + (1 | id) 
   Data: testE1 (Number of observations: 9491) 
  Draws: 2 chains, each with iter = 1000; warmup = 500; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 1000

Group-Level Effects: 
~bandInt (Number of levels: 6) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)    73.85     31.99    35.91   157.68 1.00      215      429

~id (Number of levels: 156) 
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)   140.36      8.62   125.43   159.07 1.03      111      142

Population-Level Effects: 
                                             Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI
Intercept                                       43.41     49.99   -62.85
conditVaried                                    67.01     49.92   -32.25
bandTypeExtrapolation                           97.92     27.14    45.56
train_end                                        1.02      0.28     0.45
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation             -76.93     27.48  -132.46
conditVaried:train_end                          -0.56      0.31    -1.11
bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end                 -0.26      0.17    -0.58
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end     0.89      0.18     0.52
                                             u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept                                      136.23 1.01      140      255
conditVaried                                   154.69 1.05       71      147
bandTypeExtrapolation                          151.52 1.00      290      382
train_end                                        1.51 1.01      115      221
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation             -22.04 1.00      273      487
conditVaried:train_end                           0.11 1.03       87      205
bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end                  0.09 1.01      205      310
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end     1.24 1.01      207      432

Family Specific Parameters: 
      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sigma   240.85      1.82   237.19   244.52 1.00     1029      512

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
Summary of Posterior Distribution

Parameter                                    | Median |            95% CI |     pd |            ROPE | % in ROPE |  Rhat |    ESS
(Intercept)                                  |  41.58 | [ -62.85, 136.23] | 82.20% | [-29.55, 29.55] |    33.16% | 1.014 | 142.00
conditVaried                                 |  69.52 | [ -32.25, 154.69] | 90.30% | [-29.55, 29.55] |    18.84% | 1.046 |  70.00
bandTypeExtrapolation                        |  97.03 | [  45.56, 151.52] |   100% | [-29.55, 29.55] |        0% | 1.000 | 280.00
train_end                                    |   1.04 | [   0.45,   1.51] | 99.90% | [-29.55, 29.55] |      100% | 1.010 | 108.00
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation           | -76.11 | [-132.46, -22.04] | 99.90% | [-29.55, 29.55] |     2.00% | 1.000 | 268.00
conditVaried:train_end                       |  -0.57 | [  -1.11,   0.11] | 95.10% | [-29.55, 29.55] |      100% | 1.029 |  84.00
bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end              |  -0.27 | [  -0.58,   0.09] | 92.00% | [-29.55, 29.55] |      100% | 1.006 | 204.00
conditVaried:bandTypeExtrapolation:train_end |   0.89 | [   0.52,   1.24] |   100% | [-29.55, 29.55] |      100% | 1.005 | 206.00
condEffects <- function(m,xvar){
  m |> ggplot(aes(x = {{xvar}}, y = .value, color = condit, fill = condit)) + 
  stat_dist_pointinterval() + 
  stat_halfeye(alpha=.1, height=.5) +
  theme(legend.title=element_blank(),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) 

 bmtd3 |> emmeans( ~condit * bandType * train_end) |>
  gather_emmeans_draws() |>
 condEffects(bandType) + labs(y="Absolute Deviation From Band", x="Band Type")

ce_bmtd3 <- plot(conditional_effects(bmtd3),points=FALSE,plot=FALSE)

E1 Results Discussion



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