title: OJS ALM
date-modified: last-modified
categories: [Simulation,ALM,OJS,Interactive]
#page-layout: full
sidebar-width: 350px
body-width: 1300px
margin-width: 100px
gutter-width: 1.5rem
self-contained: true
toc: false
warning: false
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
pacman:: p_load (tidyverse)
d <- tibble (x= 1 : 20 ,y= x^ 2 )
ojs_define (d = d)
inputNodes = seq (1 ,7 ,1 ) #
outputNodes = seq (50 ,1600 ,50 )
#ojs_define(iN = inputNodes, outputNodes = outputNodes, wm = wm)
d3 = require("d3@7")
math = require('mathjs')
// let inputNodes = Array.from({ length: 7 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
// let outputNodes = Array.from({ length: 32 }, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 50);
// let wm = Array.from({ length: outputNodes.length }, () =>
// Array.from({ length: inputNodes.length }, () => 0.0)
// );
function inputActivation(xTarget, c) {
return inputNodes.map((inputNode) =>
Math.exp(-1 * c * Math.pow(xTarget - inputNode, 2))
function outputActivation(xTarget, weights, c) {
const inputAct = inputActivation(xTarget, c);
return math.multiply(weights, inputAct);
function meanPrediction(xTarget, weights, c) {
const outputAct = outputActivation(xTarget, weights, c);
const probability = math.divide(outputAct, math.sum(outputAct));
return math.multiply(outputNodes, probability);
function updateWeights(xNew, yNew, weights, c, lr) {
const yFeedbackActivation = outputNodes.map(
(outputNode) => Math.exp(-1 * c * Math.pow(yNew - outputNode, 2))
const xFeedbackActivation = outputActivation(xNew, weights, c);
const inputAct = inputActivation(xNew, c);
const inputActReshaped = math.reshape(inputAct, [inputAct.length, 1]);
const yFeedbackActivationReshaped = math.reshape(yFeedbackActivation, [yFeedbackActivation.length, 1]);
const xFeedbackActivationReshaped = math.reshape(xFeedbackActivation, [xFeedbackActivation.length, 1]);
const error = math.reshape(math.subtract(yFeedbackActivationReshaped, xFeedbackActivationReshaped), [yFeedbackActivation.length, 1]);
// console.log(math.size(math.transpose(inputActReshaped)))
const weightUpdate = math.multiply(error, math.transpose(inputActReshaped));
const raw_Weights = math.add(weights, math.multiply(lr, weightUpdate));
const new_Weights = raw_Weights
//return JSON.parse(result);
function randomNormal(mean, sd) {
let u = 0,
v = 0;
while (u === 0) u = Math.random();
while (v === 0) v = Math.random();
const z = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(u)) * Math.cos(2.0 * Math.PI * v);
return mean + z * sd;
function examPrediction(xTarget, weights, c, trainVec) {
const nearestTrain = trainVec[math.argmin(math.abs(trainVec - xTarget))];
const aResp = meanPrediction(nearestTrain, weights, c);
const xUnder = math.min(trainVec) === nearestTrain ? nearestTrain : trainVec[math.findIndex(trainVec, (d) => d === nearestTrain) - 1];
const xOver = math.max(trainVec) === nearestTrain ? nearestTrain : trainVec[math.findIndex(trainVec, (d) => d === nearestTrain) + 1];
const mUnder = meanPrediction(xUnder, weights, c);
const mOver = meanPrediction(xOver, weights, c);
const examOutput = math.round(aResp + ((mOver - mUnder) / (xOver - xUnder)) * (xTarget - nearestTrain), 3);
return examOutput;
function trainALM(dat, c, lr, weights) {
const almTrain = new Array(dat.input.length).fill(NaN);
for (let i = 0; i < dat.input.length; i++) {
console.log('i: ', i, ' dat.input[i]: ', dat.input[i], ' dat.vx[i]: ', dat.vx[i], ' c: ', c, ' lr: ', lr)
weights = updateWeights(dat.input[i], dat.vx[i], weights, c, lr);
const resp = math.round(meanPrediction(dat.input[i], weights, c),0);
// round resp to 1 decimal place
almTrain[i] = resp;
weights = math.map(weights, (value) => {
return value < 0 ? 0 : value;
console.log('almTrain: ', almTrain)
return {almTrain, weights};
function trainTestALM(dat, c = 0.05, lr = 0.5, weights, testVec) {
const almTrain = new Array(dat.length).fill(NaN);
for (let i = 0; i < dat.length; i++) {
weights = updateWeights(dat[i].input, dat[i].vx, weights, c, lr);
const resp = meanPrediction(dat[i].input, weights, c);
almTrain[i] = resp;
weights = math.map(weights, (value) => {
return value < 0 ? 0 : value;
const almPred = testVec.map((value) => {
return meanPrediction(value, weights, c);
const examPred = testVec.map((value) => {
return examPrediction(value, weights, c, [1, ...math.sort(math.unique(dat.map((d) => d.input)))]);
return { almTrain, almPred, examPred };
// Modify the sim_data function to accept the dataset as an argument
// function sim_data(dat, c=0.5, lr=0.2, inNodes=7, outNodes=32, trainVec=[5,6,7]) {
// inputNodes = math.range(1,7,inNodes).toArray();
// outputNodes = math.range(50,1600,outNodes).toArray();
// wm = math.zeros(outputNodes.length, inputNodes.length)._data;
// tt = trainTest_alm(dat, c, lr, wm, trainVec);
// }
function gen_train(trainVec, trainRep, noise) {
let bandVec=[0,100,350,600,800,1000,1200];
let ts = [];
for (let i=0; i<trainRep; i++) {
let mean = 0;
let stdDev = 1;
//let noiseVec = math.random([ts.length])._data;
//noiseVec = math.multiply(noiseVec, noise)._data;
//if(noise==0) {noiseVec=noiseVec*0}
let inputArr = [];
let vxArr = [];
for (let i=0; i<ts.length; i++) {
return {input: inputArr, vx: vxArr};
### Simulation
//| panel: sidebar
//| code-fold: true
viewof c = Inputs.range([.0001, 2], {value: .00005, step: .05, label: "c value:"})
viewof lr = Inputs.range([.001, 2], {value: .05, step: .01, label: "lr value:"})
viewof n_inputNodes = Inputs.range([1, 50], {value: 7, step: 1, label: "N Input Nodes:"})
viewof n_outputNodes = Inputs.range([1, 200], {value: 32, step: 1, label: "N Output Nodes:"})
viewof weight_mean = Inputs.range([0, 1], {value: 0, step: .0005, label: "initial weight mean:"})
viewof weight_sd = Inputs.range([.00000001, 1], {value: .000001, step: .0001, label: "initial weight sd:"})
viewof trainRep = Inputs.range([4, 50], {value: 1, step: 1, label: "Train Reps:"})
//inputNodes = Array.from({ length: n_inputNodes }, (_, i) => i + 1);
inputNodes = Array.from({ length: n_inputNodes }, (_, i) => 1 + i * (7 - 1) / (n_inputNodes - 1));
start = 0;
end = 1800;
N_Steps = n_outputNodes; // replace with desired length
stepSize = (end - start) / (N_Steps - 1);
outputNodes = Array.from({ length: N_Steps }, (_, i) => start + i * stepSize);
wm = outputNodes.map(() => {
return inputNodes.map(() => randomNormal(weight_mean, weight_sd));
viewof trainVec = Inputs.checkbox([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], {value: [4,5,6], label: "Select training examples:"});
gd = gen_train(trainVec, trainRep, noise);
//trainVec = [1,2,4,5,6];
//gd = gen_train(trainVec, trainRep, noise)
// w2= updateWeights(4, 800, wm,c,lr)
talm = trainALM(gd, c, lr, wm);
//inputNodes = transpose(iN)
ia = inputActivation(inputX, c, inputNodes)
oa = outputActivation(inputX, wm, c)
mp = meanPrediction(inputX, wm, c)
// subtract constant inputX from inputNodes Array
// Math.exp((-1 * c) * Math.pow(inputX - inputNodes, 2));
tdat = gd.vx.map((value, index) => {
return { Trial: index, Vx: value, Response: talm.almTrain[index], Error: Math.abs(value - talm.almTrain[index]) };
::: {layout-ncol="2"}
#### Vx Across Training
marks: [
Plot.line(tdat, {
x: "Trial", // feature for the x channel
y: "Response", // feature for the y channel
stroke: "Vx",
x: {label: "Trial Number"},
y: {label: "Vx", domain: [0, 1800],grid: true},
color: {legend: true, scheme: "Turbo",type: "categorical"},
width: 400,
height: 400
//caption: html`Figure 1. This chart has a <i>fancy</i> caption.`
#### Training Error
marks: [
Plot.line(tdat, {
x: "Trial", // feature for the x channel
y: "Error", // feature for the y channel
stroke: "Vx", // feature for the fill channel
y: {label: "Error",grid: true},
color: {legend: true, scheme: "Turbo",type: "categorical"},
width: 400,
height: 400
### Weight Matrices
//| code-fold: true
//| message: false
//| include: false
Plotly = require("https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js")
//div = DOM.element('div');
P1=Plotly.newPlot("plot-canvas", [{
z: wm,
x: outputNodes,
y: inputNodes,
type: 'heatmap',
colorscale: 'Viridis'
P2=Plotly.newPlot("plot-tw", [{
z: talm.weights,
x: inputNodes,
y: outputNodes,
type: 'heatmap',
colorscale: 'Viridis'
::: {#Weight-Matrices layout="[[ 1,1 ] ,[ 1 ] ]"}
#### Starting Weights
#### Final Weights
#### Input and Output layer activations
in_data = ia.map((value, index) => {
return { Node: inputNodes[index], Activation: value };
out_data = oa.map((value, index) => {
return { Node: outputNodes[index], Activation: value };
viewof inputX = Inputs.range([1, 7], {value: 4, step: 1, label: "input value:"})
//| label: Activations
//| fig-cap: Charts
//| fig-subcap:
//| - "**Input Activation**"
//| - "Second"
//| layout-ncol: 2
marks: [
Plot.dot(in_data, {
x: "Node", // feature for the x channel
y: "Activation", // feature for the y channel
width: 400,
height: 200,
title: "Input Activation Plot",
marks: [
Plot.dot(out_data, {
x: "Node", // feature for the x channel
y: "Activation", // feature for the y channel
width: 400,
height: 200,
title: "Output Activation Plot",
### Testing
//| panel: sidebar
viewof xV = Inputs.range(
[1, 20],
{value: 1, step: 1, label: "x range:"}
viewof yV = Inputs.range(
[1, 400],
{value: 1, step: 10, label: "y range:"}
dO = transpose(d)
filtered = dO.filter(function(dO) {
return dO.x>=xV && dO.y >= yV;
::: panel-tabset
## Tab 1
marks: [
{ x: "x", y: "y"},
{ stroke: "black" }
x: \${xV} y: \${yV}
## Tab 2
//Plot = require("plot")
marks: [
{ x: "x", y: "y"},
{ stroke: "black" }
``` {{ojs}}
//| include: false