
June 14, 2024

Find Instruction Patterns

Display code
pacman::p_load(dplyr,purrr,tidyr,ggplot2, data.table,readr,here, patchwork, conflicted)
conflict_prefer_all("dplyr", quiet = TRUE)

# lmc22 <- readRDS(here("data","lmc22.rds"))
# mc24 <- readRDS(here("data","mc24.rds"))

lmc22_prototypes <- read.csv(here("Stimulii","lmc22_prototypes.csv"))
mc24_prototypes <- read.csv(here("Stimulii","mc24_prototypes.csv"))

pat_themes <- list(theme_minimal(),xlim(-25, 25),ylim(-25, 25),
                        labs(x = "X Coordinate", y = "Y Coordinate"),
                   coord_fixed(),guides(alpha = FALSE))

View large set of protypes from Hu & Nosofsky 2022

Display code
proto_long <- lmc22_prototypes |> 
   select(item_label, x1:y9) |>
   group_by(item_label) |> 
   gather(key = "coordinate", value = "value", -item_label) %>%
   separate(coordinate, into = c("axis", "number"), sep = 1) %>%
   spread(key = axis, value = value) %>%
   mutate(number = as.integer(number))
proto_long |> 
  filter(item_label %in% unique(proto_long$item_label)[1:100]) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=.75) + 
   ggh4x::facet_nested_wrap(~item_label) +
   pat_themes + labs(title="Prototypes from Category 1 - with distortions")

Prototypes and their distortions

Prototypes with distinctive patterns

Display code
circle <- c("10_nrep_2_287","12_nrep_3_270", "27_rep_3_263")
hsplit <- c("14_nrep_2_258","13_rep_1_227", "2_nrep_3_261", "14_nrep_1_245","34_nrep_3_229")
vsplit <- c("1_rep_2_262", "22_nrep_2_239", "12_nrep_1_248", "11_rep_3_264","38_nrep_3_288","32_rep_3_286")
dsplit <- c("20_nrep_2_236", "20_rep_3_247")
tower <- c("11_rep_2_281","25_rep_3_248","47_rep_3_235")
tree <- c("28_nrep_1_234","41_nrep_2_285","40_rep_2_272")
qmark <- c("12_nrep_2_258","20_nrep_1_267","35_nrep_1_238")
diag <- c("24_nrep_1_242","16_nrep_3_276", "26_nrep_3_263","48_nrep_3_233","47_nrep_1_227")
vert <- c("11_rep_1_257", "25_rep_2_250","48_nrep_3_233")
horiz <- c("22_rep_1_263","4_nrep_2_236")
onemass <- c("13_rep_1_227", "16_rep_1_241","18_nrep_2_253","47_nrep_2_264")
triag <- c("18_nrep_3_254","46_rep_3_246")
incomp <- c("22_nrep_3_235","12_rep_1_282","33_rep_2_282", "44_nrep_1_263")

proto_long |> 
  filter(item_label %in% c(circle, hsplit, vsplit, dsplit, tower, 
                           qmark, diag, vert, horiz, onemass, triag, incomp,tree)) |>
  mutate(plabel = case_when(
    item_label %in% circle ~ "Circle",
    item_label %in% hsplit ~ "Horizontal Split",
    item_label %in% vsplit ~ "Vertical Split",
    item_label %in% dsplit ~ "Diagonal Split",
    item_label %in% tower ~ "Tower",
    item_label %in% triag ~ "triag",
    item_label %in% tree ~ "tree",
    item_label %in% triag ~ "Trianglish",
    item_label %in% qmark ~ "Question Mark",
    item_label %in% diag ~ "Diagonal",
    item_label %in% vert ~ "Vertical",
    item_label %in% horiz ~ "Horizontal",
    item_label %in% incomp ~ "incomp",
    item_label %in% onemass ~ "One Mass")) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y,col=plabel)) +
   geom_point(size=.75) + 
   ggh4x::facet_nested_wrap(~plabel+item_label) +
   pat_themes + labs(title="Prototypes with Distinctive Patterns") +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Prototypes with distinctive patterns

Organize subset into pairs

Display code
hsim1 <- circle[2:3]
hsim2 <- onemass[3:4]
msim1 <- vsplit[1:2]
lsim1 <- c(diag[1],hsplit[3])
lsim2 <- c(circle[1],tower[3])

proto_long |> 
  filter(item_label %in% c(hsim1, hsim2, msim1, lsim1, lsim2)) |>
  mutate(plabel = case_when(
    item_label %in% hsim1 ~ "High Similarity 1",
    item_label %in% hsim2 ~ "High Similarity 2",
    item_label %in% msim1 ~ "Slight Similarity",
    item_label %in% lsim1 ~ "Low Similarity 1",
    item_label %in% lsim2 ~ "Low Similarity")) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
    ggh4x::facet_nested_wrap(~plabel+item_label,ncol=2) + 
    theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank()) +xlim(-25, 25) + ylim(-25,25)

Prototype pairs with different similarity levels

Finalize and save patterns

Display code
blank_theme <- list( theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        # no facet labels
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        strip.text.x = element_blank(),
        panel.spacing = unit(12, "lines")), 
        xlim(-25, 25), ylim(-25,25))

phsim1 <- proto_long |> 
  filter(item_label %in% hsim1) |> 
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
   facet_wrap(~item_label) +
phsim2 <- proto_long |>
  filter(item_label %in% hsim2) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
   facet_wrap(~item_label) +

pmsim1 <- proto_long |>
  filter(item_label %in% msim1) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
   facet_wrap(~item_label) +

plsim1 <- proto_long |>
  filter(item_label %in% lsim1) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
   facet_wrap(~item_label) +

plsim2 <- proto_long |>
  filter(item_label %in% lsim2) |>
   ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
   geom_point(size=2) + 
   facet_wrap(~item_label) +

# phsim1
# phsim2
# pmsim1
# plsim1
# plsim2

very_similar <- (phsim1/phsim2) 
not_similar <- (plsim1/plsim2)

very_similar +  plot_annotation(subtitle = 'Examples of Very Similar Pairs')

Display code
not_similar  +  plot_annotation(subtitle = 'Examples of Not Similar Pairs')

Display code
# save_plots
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/high_sim.png"),very_similar)
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/low_sim.png"),not_similar)

save examples separately

Display code
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/high_sim1.png"),phsim1)
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/high_sim2.png"),phsim2)
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/low_sim1.png"),plsim1)
# ggsave(here("Task/assets/low_sim2.png"),plsim2)