The Role of Variability in Learning Generalization: A Computational Modeling Approach

Indiana University

May 28, 2024

Learning Generalization

  • Learning is often specific
  • Longstanding scientific interest in how to improve generalization or transfer


  • Variation during training linked to improved transfer in numerous domains
    • Category learning, perceptual learning, education, visuomotor learning
    • sometimes alternatively termed diversity, heterogenity, numerosity etc.
  • What does variability mean in the context of learning interventions?
    • How spread out examples are in the task space
    • The number of unique items/problems experienced
    • exposure to wider array of contexts/background conditions

Common Empirical Patterns


  • Both training conditions complete the same number of training trials.
  • Varied group has worse training performance.


  • Tested from novel conditions.
  • Varied group has better test performance

But also plenty of contradictory results and complications

  • Cases where varied training doesn’t benefit generalization
  • Cases where more training variation results in worse outcomes
  • Cases where the influence of variation interacts with some other factor
    • difficulty
    • prior knowledge
    • Frequency effects, or amount of training/learning before testing


Project 1

  • Visuomotor projectile launching task
  • two experiments
  • Beneficial effect of variability
  • Instance-based similarity model

Project 2

  • Visuomotor extrapolation task
  • Three experiments
  • Effect of variability is null or negative
  • Connectionist model (ALM) and hybrid associative & rule model (EXAM)

Project 1

An instance-based model account of the benefits of varied practice in visuomotor skill1

Theoretical Frameworks

  • Desirable Difficulties Framework (Bjork & Bjork, 2011)

  • Challenge Point Framework (Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004)
  • Schema Theory (Schmidt, 1975)

Issues with previous research

  • Assumptions about what is encoded
  • Assumptions about the formation of abstractions
  • Aggregation issues and similarity confounds

Designs that avoid similarity issue

Kerr & Booth 1978

  • Bean bag tossing task
  • Constant and varied conditions train from distinct positions
  • Both groups are tested from the position where the constant group trained
  • Impressive demonstration of varied training outperforming constant training

Experiment 1

  • Conceptual replication of Kerr & Booth design
  • Also test positions novel to both groups
  • Validate computerized visuomotor learning task

Experiment 1 Design

  • Constant trains from one position (760)
    • 200 trials
  • Varied trains from two positions (610 and 910)
    • 100 trials per position
  • Both groups are tested from all three training positions, and a new position novel to both groups (835)

Hit The Target Task

  • Training Stage - 200 training trials with feedback. Constant groups trains from single position. Varied group practices from two positions.
  • Transfer Stage - All subjects tested from both positions they were trained, and the positions trained by other group
  • Data recorded - For every throw, recorded the X velocity and Y velocity of ball at release

Project 1 - Experiment 1 Results



Experiment 2 Design

Project 1 - Experiment 2 Results



Project 1 Computational Model

Instance encoding, and similarity-based generalization assumptions

  • Instances refers to individual throws (x and y velocity)
  • Similarity refers to the distance between training throws and the solution space of each of the eventual testing positions.

Project 1 Computational Model

Computing Similarity

  • Euclidean distance between each training throw, and each solution space
  • Similarity computed as a Gaussian decay function of distance, i.e. larger distances result in lower similarity
  • Each participant gets their own similarity score for each of the 6 testing positions
    • similarity score for a given testing position is the sum of the similarities between each training throw and the entire empirical solution space

Model Definition

  • \(d_{i,j} = \sqrt{(x_{Train_i}-x_{Solution_j})^2 + (y_{Train_i}-y_{Solution_j})^2 }\)
  • \(Similarity_{I,J} = \sum_{i=I}\sum_{j=J} (e^{-c^\cdot d^{p}_{i,j}})\)

Non-linear similarity

Does this similarity metric work?

  • Our similarity measure does is a significant predictor of testing performance.
    • Remains significant when controlling for training accuracy, and training condition.

Accounting for group-level effect

  • The base version of the model fit a single \(c\) parameter
    • thus assuming that everyone generalizes to the same degree
  • We next fit a 2-c version, separately optimizing for varied and constant groups, resulting in new 2-c similarity scores for each participant.
    • The optimal c value for the varied group is smaller than that of the constant group, indicative of broader generalization.
  • When 2-c similarity is added to the linear model predicting testing performance as a function of condition, the effect of training condition is no longer significant.
    • not the case with the original 1-c similarities.
  • Thus the influence of varied training can be explained by an instance-based similarity model, IF one assumes flexibility in the generalization gradient.


  • New empirical support for a benefit of variability in visuomotor skill tasks
  • Some support for the less common pattern observed by Kerr & Booth (1978)
  • Demonstrated the utility of a similarity based approach in this domain

Project 2

Project 2

Impact of Training Variability on Visuomotor Function Learning and Extrapolation

  • Influence of varied practice in a function learning task
  • Experiments 1, 2, and 3:
    • Training regimes and testing conditions
    • Learning, discrimination, and extrapolation performance metrics

Project 2 - Questions and Goals

Empirical - Design a task-space large enough to assess multiple degrees of extrapolation - Compare varied and constant generalization from several distinct distances from their nearest training condition

Model-based - If variation does influence extrapolation, can an associative learning model with similarity-based activation provide a good account? - Can our modelling framework simultaneously account for both training and testing data? - Accounting for the full distribution of responses

Hit The Wall Task

  • Target velocity presented at top of screen
  • Participants attempt to “hit the wall” at the correct velocity
  • Feedback during training - how many units above or below the target-band
  • Only the “x velocity” component of the throw is relevant to the task

Project 2 - Experiment 1 Design

  • 156 participants included in final analysis
  • Varied group trains from 3 “velocity bands”, constant group from 1
  • Both groups complete same total number of training trials

Project 2 - Experiment 1 Results

Project 2 - Experiment 2 Design

  • Training and Testing bands are in reversed order, relative to Experiment 1
  • 110 participants included in final analysis

Project 2 - Experiment 2 Results

Project 2 - Experiment 3

  • Ordinal Feedback
    • directional feedback indicating too high, too low, or correct
  • Both Original (Experiment 1), and reverse (Experiment 2) orders included
  • 195 participants included in final analysis

Project 2 - Experiment 3 Results

Experiment 3 - Accuracy

Experiment 3 - Discrimination

Project 2 - Computational Modeling

The Associative Learning Model ALM

  • Two layer network - adapted from ALCOVE (Kruschke (1992))
  • Input layer node for each stimulus, output node for each response
  • Input nodes activate as a function of their Gaussian similarity to the stimulus
  • Weights udpated via delta rule - error driven learning
  • Provides good account of human learning data, and interpolation performance, but struggles with extrapolation (DeLosh et al., 1997)

Extrapolation - Association Model (EXAM)

  • Extension to ALM to account for human extrapolation behavior
  • When a novel stimulus is presented, EXAM assumes the nearest 2-3 prior examples are retrieved, and used to compute a slope
  • The slope is used to adjust the ALM response
EXAM Response Generation
Slope Computation \(S = \frac{m(X_{1})-m(X_{2})}{X_{1}-X_{2}}\) Slope value, \(S\) computed from nearest training instances
Response \(E[Y|X_i] = m(X_i) + S \cdot [X - X_i]\) Final EXAM response is the ALM response for the nearest training stimulus, \(m(X_i)\), adjusted by local slope \(S\).

Project 2 - Model Fitting Procedure

Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)

  • simulation based parameter estimation (Kangasrääsiö et al., 2019; Turner & Van Zandt, 2012)
  • Useful for models with unknown likelihood functions (e.g. many neural network and drift diffusion models)
  • full distribution of plausible model predictions for each participant

Project 2 - Model Fitting Procedure

Model Fitting Approach

  • Two parameters for both ALM and EXAM
    • generalization parameter: \(c\)
    • learning rate parameter: \(lr\)
  • ALM and EXAM fit separately to each individual participant
  • Rejection based ABC used to obtain 200 posterior samples, per participant, per model
    • i.e. 200 plausible values of \(c\) and \(lr\)
  • All models fit with three different approaches
    1. Fit to only the training data
    2. Fit to both training and testing data
    3. Fit to only testing data

Modelling Results

Posterior Predictive Distribution

Modelling Results

Best fitting models per participant

Model Comparison - Experiment 1

Model Comparison - Experiment 2 and 3

General Discussion


  • Project Comparison:
    • HTT (Project 1): Varied training led to superior testing performance.
    • HTW (Project 2): Varied training led to poorer performance.
  • Key Findings:
    • HTT: Varied group outperformed constant group in both training and testing.
    • HTW: Varied group exhibited poorer performance across training and testing stages.
  • Modeling Approaches:
    • HTT: IGAS model quantifies similarity between training and testing conditions.
    • HTW: ALM and EXAM models fit to individual participant data.

Project Comparison

  • Task Differences:
    • HTT:
      • Complex parabolic trajectory.
      • Both x and y velocities relevant.
      • Perceptually salient varied conditions.
    • HTW:
      • Simple 1D force mapping.
      • Only x velocity relevant.
      • Less perceptually salient varied conditions.
  • Task Complexity:
    • HTT: More complex task space with irregularities.
    • HTW: Smooth, linear mapping between velocity and feedback.


  • Task-specific characteristics are crucial in determining the benefits of varied training.
  • Combining empirical research with computational modeling enhances understanding of learning and generalization.


Bjork, E. L., & Bjork, R. A. (2011). Making things hard on yourself, but in a good way: Creating desirable difficulties to enhance learning. Psychology and the Real World: Essays Illustrating Fundamental Contributions to Society, 2, 59–68.
DeLosh, E. L., McDaniel, M. A., & Busemeyer, J. R. (1997). Extrapolation: The Sine Qua Non for Abstraction in Function Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23(4), 19.
Gorman, T. E., & Goldstone, R. L. (2022). An instance-based model account of the benefits of varied practice in visuomotor skill. Cognitive Psychology, 137, 101491.
Guadagnoli, M. A., & Lee, T. D. (2004). Challenge Point: A Framework for Conceptualizing the Effects of Various Practice Conditions in Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior, 36(2), 212–224.
Kangasrääsiö, A., Jokinen, J. P. P., Oulasvirta, A., Howes, A., & Kaski, S. (2019). Parameter Inference for Computational Cognitive Models with Approximate Bayesian Computation. Cognitive Science, 43(6), e12738.
Kerr, R., & Booth, B. (1978). Specific and varied practice of motor skill. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 46(2), 395–401.
Kruschke, J. K. (1992). ALCOVE: An exemplar-based connectionist model of Category Learning. Psychological Review, 99(1).
Schmidt, R. A. (1975). A schema theory of discrete motor skill learning. Psychological Review, 82(4), 225–260.
Turner, B. M., & Van Zandt, T. (2012). A tutorial on approximate Bayesian computation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56(2), 69–85.




ALM Response Generation
Input Activation \(a_i(X) = \frac{e^{-c(X-X_i)^2}}{\sum_{k=1}^M e^{-c(X-X_k)^2}}\) Input nodes activate as a function of Gaussian similarity to stimulus
Output Activation \(O_j(X) = \sum_{k=1}^M w_{ji} \cdot a_i(X)\) Output unit \(O_j\) activation is the weighted sum of input activations and association weights
Output Probability \(P[Y_j|X] = \frac{O_j(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^M O_k(X)}\) The response, \(Y_j\) probabilites computed via Luce’s choice rule
Mean Output \(m(X) = \sum_{j=1}^L Y_j \cdot \frac{O_j(x)}{\sum_{k=1}^M O_k(X)}\) Weighted average of probabilities determines response to X
ALM Learning
Feedback \(f_j(Z) = e^{-c(Z-Y_j)^2}\) feedback signal Z computed as similarity between ideal response and observed response
magnitude of error \(\Delta_{ji}=(f_{j}(Z)-o_{j}(X))a_{i}(X)\) Delta rule to update weights.
Update Weights \(w_{ji}^{new}=w_{ji}+\eta\Delta_{ji}\) Updates scaled by learning rate parameter \(\eta\).


EXAM Response Generation
Instance Retrieval \(P[X_i|X] = \frac{a_i(X)}{\sum_{k=1}^M a_k(X)}\) Novel test stimulus \(X\) activates input nodes \(X_i\)
Slope Computation \(S = \frac{m(X_{1})-m(X_{2})}{X_{1}-X_{2}}\) Slope value, \(S\) computed from nearest training instances
Response \(E[Y|X_i] = m(X_i) + S \cdot [X - X_i]\) Final EXAM response is the ALM response for the nearest training stimulus, \(m(X_i)\), adjusted by local slope \(S\).

Comparison {.scrollable .unnumbered .unlisted, .smaller}

Dimension HTT (Project 1) HTW (Project 2)
Task Description Projectile launching to hit a target Projectile launching to hit wall at a specific velocity
Task Complexity More complex parabolic trajectory, both x and y velocities relevant to outcome Simpler 1D mapping of force to outcome. Only x velocity is relevant.
Task Space More complex: xy velocity combinations closer to the solution space may still result in worse feedback due to striking the barrier. Simpler: smooth, linear mapping between velocity and feedback.
Perceptual salience of Varied Conditions Varied conditions (# of throwing distances) are perceptually distinct, i.e. salient differences in distance between launching box and target. Varied conditions (# of velocity bands) are less salient - only difference is the numeral displayed on screen.
Testing Feedback Testing always included feedback Primary testing stage had no feedback.
Potential for Learning during Testing Limited potential for learning during testing due to feedback. Some potential for learning during no-feedback testing by observing ball trajectory.
Training Experience Varied group gets half as much experience on any one position as the constant group. Varied group gets 1/3 as much experience on any one velocity band as the constant group.
Testing Structure Random interleaving of trained/transfer testing distances. Blocked structure, separately testing trained vs extrapolation testing bands.